Splinterlands Profit Hunter 08/18/2024

in Splinterlands7 months ago

Dear Splinterlands Community,

Here are the best regular & gold card selling opportunities when writing this article.

  • All cards are minimum-level
  • Minimum/average/maximum low prices apply to the previous 14 days.
  • All price is "rising price": It is greater than or equal to the highest low price from the previous 14 days
  • Price changes have a minimum value of 10%
  • This newsletter is for informational purposes only, always do your own research before buying new cards
  • There is a chance, you won't find certain cards with these cool prices. Luck favors the fastest!😉

Modern regular cards


No.3: Whelp Herder (Riftwatchers/Dragon/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.018$0.027$0.035$0.035$0.008 (29,6%)

No.2: Ahna-Chei Botanist (Rebellion/Death/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.061$0.074$0.084$0.099$0.025 (33,8%)

No.1: Chaos Orc (Rebellion/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.047$0.052$0.070$0.072$0.020 (38,5%)


Unfortunately, there is no rare card with a rising price at the moment 🙁


Unfortunately, there is no epic card with a rising price at the moment 🙁


No.5: Chaos Golem (Rebellion/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$2.990$3.660$3.986$4.732$1.072 (29,3%)

No.4: Lorkus (Rebellion/Death/Summoner)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$13.990$15.429$20.000$20.000$4.571 (29,6%)

No.3: Soul Fiend (ChaosLegion/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.400$0.430$0.457$0.786$0.356 (82,8%)

No.2: Oshuur Constantia (Promo/Dragon/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$6.000$8.699$20.000$20.000$11.301 (129,9%)

No.1: Runemancer Florre (Riftwatchers/Earth/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$3.850$4.493$5.000$15.550$11.057 (246,1%)

Other rising prices

6Runemancer KyeRiftwatchers/Water/Monster$2.560$2.772$2.800$3.500$0.728 (26,3%)
7Commander GoffRebellion/Life/Monster$3.276$4.654$5.550$5.555$0.901 (19,4%)
8Runeseer SevayaRebellion/Dragon/Monster$5.000$6.603$7.770$7.770$1.167 (17,7%)
9Risqruel DrathRebellion/Fire/Summoner$8.250$10.332$11.478$11.478$1.146 (11,1%)
10ImmolationRiftwatchers/Fire/Monster$10.200$10.567$11.693$11.693$1.126 (10,7%)

Wild regular cards


No.5: Flesh Golem (Beta/Earth/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.287$0.381$0.423$0.423$0.042 (11,0%)

No.4: Crustacean King (Beta/Water/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.190$0.221$0.230$0.250$0.029 (13,1%)

No.3: Horny Toad (Untamed/Neutral/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.017$0.021$0.024$0.024$0.003 (14,3%)

No.2: Chain Spinner (Reward/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.010$0.012$0.015$0.015$0.003 (25,0%)

No.1: Sniping Narwhal (Untamed/Water/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.012$0.018$0.030$0.030$0.012 (66,7%)


No.5: Haunted Spirit (Beta/Death/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.132$0.170$0.191$0.191$0.021 (12,4%)

No.4: Child of the Forest (Untamed/Earth/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.039$0.048$0.055$0.055$0.007 (14,6%)

No.3: Centauri Mage (Reward/Earth/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.032$0.054$0.066$0.066$0.012 (22,2%)

No.2: Malric Inferno (Beta/Fire/Summoner)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.299$0.384$1.370$1.370$0.986 (256,8%)

No.1: Cerberus (Beta/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.420$0.485$0.524$4.769$4.284 (883,3%)


Unfortunately, there is no epic card with a rising price at the moment 🙁


No.5: Valnamor (Beta/Water/Summoner)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$48.000$78.219$88.000$88.000$9.781 (12,5%)

No.4: Sacred Unicorn (Reward/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$6.900$7.487$8.999$8.999$1.512 (20,2%)

No.3: Ruler of the Seas (Reward/Water/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$6.350$10.329$15.000$15.000$4.671 (45,2%)

No.2: Elemental Phoenix (Beta/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$7.500$8.751$15.000$15.000$6.249 (71,4%)

No.1: Caladuum (Dice/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$2.698$3.067$3.700$9.256$6.189 (201,8%)

Modern gold cards


No.3: Stitch Leech (ChaosLegion/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.156$0.200$0.215$0.220$0.020 (10,0%)

No.2: Radiated Scorcher (ChaosLegion/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.110$0.120$0.130$0.165$0.045 (37,5%)

No.1: Deeplurker (ChaosLegion/Water/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.240$0.339$0.381$0.750$0.411 (121,2%)


No.5: Daigendark Hunter (Rebellion/Death/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$2.835$2.848$3.699$3.699$0.851 (29,9%)

No.4: Helheim Demon (Rebellion/Death/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$2.200$2.692$3.499$3.499$0.807 (30,0%)

No.3: Mycelic Slipspawn (ChaosLegion/Earth/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.590$0.797$1.100$1.100$0.303 (38,0%)

No.2: Tinderlock (Riftwatchers/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$1.364$2.013$3.546$3.546$1.533 (76,2%)

No.1: Celestial Harpy (ChaosLegion/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.497$0.565$0.583$1.050$0.485 (85,8%)

Other rising prices

6Sea StalkerRiftwatchers/Water/Monster$0.695$0.784$0.900$1.000$0.216 (27,6%)
7Chaos JailerRebellion/Death/Monster$2.252$3.326$3.720$4.051$0.725 (21,8%)


No.3: Redwyrm Hatchling (Rebellion/Dragon/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$13.397$16.976$19.000$19.000$2.024 (11,9%)

No.2: Temporal Master (ChaosLegion/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$2.651$3.747$5.000$5.000$1.253 (33,4%)

No.1: Fernheart (Riftwatchers/Earth/Summoner)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$7.425$53.325$99.000$99.000$45.675 (85,7%)


No.4: Desert Dragon (ChaosLegion/Dragon/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$22.000$24.428$33.990$33.990$9.562 (39,1%)

No.3: Iziar (Reward/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$89.990$102.409$128.000$145.989$43.580 (42,6%)

No.2: Void Dragon (ChaosLegion/Dragon/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$17.100$27.215$39.000$39.000$11.785 (43,3%)

No.1: Mordeus (Riftwatchers/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$18.998$25.125$45.540$45.540$20.415 (81,3%)

Wild gold cards


No.5: Divine Healer (Alpha/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$22.820$66.923$100.000$100.000$33.077 (49,4%)

No.4: Goblin Thief (Untamed/Earth/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.544$0.545$0.545$1.079$0.534 (98,0%)

No.3: Delwyn Dragonscale (Promo/Dragon/Summoner)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$3.500$9.743$20.000$20.000$10.257 (105,3%)

No.2: Ant Miners (Reward/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$0.738$0.738$0.738$2.042$1.304 (176,7%)

No.1: Silvershield Knight (Beta/Life/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$3.861$4.770$14.508$14.508$9.738 (204,2%)

Other rising prices

6Divine HealerBeta/Life/Monster$3.900$6.467$8.880$8.880$2.413 (37,3%)
7RexxieBeta/Earth/Monster$1.379$1.422$1.483$1.746$0.324 (22,8%)
8Horny ToadUntamed/Neutral/Monster$0.374$0.408$0.468$0.468$0.060 (14,7%)
9PhantasmReward/Death/Monster$0.723$0.739$0.842$0.842$0.103 (13,9%)


No.3: Undead Archer (Promo/Death/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$12.085$19.376$22.500$22.500$3.124 (16,1%)

No.2: Spark Pixies (Untamed/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$1.989$2.362$2.769$2.769$0.407 (17,2%)

No.1: Beetle Queen (Reward/Fire/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$11.000$24.714$75.000$75.000$50.286 (203,5%)


Unfortunately, there is no epic card with a rising price at the moment 🙁


No.3: Lord of Darkness (Beta/Death/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$599.000$599.941$700.000$700.000$100.059 (16,7%)

No.2: Almo Cambio (Reward/Neutral/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$850.000$850.000$850.000$999.000$149.000 (17,5%)

No.1: The Kraken (Reward/Water/Monster)

MinAverageMaxCURRENTPrice change (Diff from the average)
$165.000$266.976$650.000$650.000$383.024 (143,5%)

Happy browsing!


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