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RE: Splinterlands Battle Mage - Keep Your Distance

in Splinterlands9 months ago

Djinn Oshannus is one of my favorite cards, and I love to utilize him. You did a great job, magic is a great choice for keep your distance. I still love using Alric for these cases but in Modern you made the right call on the summoner. Great job, Baakjira is a great secondary tank!


Thanks. I was really impressed with Dijinn Oshannus, it is amazing how cheap you can get this powerful tank these days! Baakjira is another favourite of mine, can't wait to max him up.

Oshannus is cheap enough that I can give away a level 1 copy in my Sunday giveaway. I remember when it first came out it cost more than $50!

Yeah, totally insane. I bought many to rent out before the big farms got nerfed.