Ecency Is...

in Ecency Support9 months ago

@ecency-star released a prompt post asking is we finish the phrase and elaborate on the words, Eceny Is...

Here's A Link To The Post If You'd Like To Get Involved.




Haha, this is kind of a joking, not joking statement.

As I was writing this post and getting it ready, Ecency failed to upload the image, so I had to go to PeakD, copy the content from here to there, upload the image, then copy and paste it back to here.

This happens a fair bit and usually when it happens I have to move over to use other frontends.

I get that it is a small team, or whatever, but surely there is enough money to keep things moving, and pay for more people if needed.

Open To New Ideas

The Ecency team are open to new ideas, suggestions, and feedback from the community.

I have gone in a few times and given suggestions to make Ecency a better app, and I was heard. While the suggestions weren't implemented, I'm happy to have had a chance to mention a few things.

Listening to the userbase is important, and hearing users out who may not have any technical knowledge is also important. Because this makes people feel valued in a way, and it lets them know that they can help to make things better, just by having a thought, rather than learning the ins and outs of actually making these suggestions or ideas, a reality.

My Favourite Frontend

I don't know why this is, but it just is.

I do use PeakD, because PeakD has analytical data, which Ecency doesn't have, and it also has a few other features which Ecency hasn't implemented.

Even though it lacks some things I like, I still find myself coming back to Ecency.

I've had the mobile app installed since joining Hive 2.5 years ago, and I had the desktop app at one point, which got deleted a while later because it stopped working correctly.

Rather than re-installing it, I just used it from the webpage, and apart from a few server issues, or faults here and there, everything has been fairly smooth.

One Suggestion

Instead of seeing "New", "Hot", or "Trending" Content. I'd love to be suggested content based on the type of stuff I read.

I want to see more posts I'm really excited about, and not just stuff that's doing well soon after being posted, or stuff that's doing the best that day. We have a lot of accounts who can post about having a poo, who get mad money.

I'd love to see some sort of algorithm in place, where we could like certain tags, and then be suggested posts who use those tags.

I like movies, but particular movies, it doesn't mean I want to read about random films I don't like, or haven't heard of. Same goes for gaming, and other things of that nature.

Everyone has their own interests, and we should find that sort of content easier, and the tag system/ algorithm system is the best way to do so. Keep people engaged for longer, by suggesting content they want to see and read.

Also, maybe have a tab for most commented post of the day. Typically, if a post is doing well in the comments, it's probably worth reading.

I'd rather see content shown which does more than earn money, and currently that seems to be what pushes content to users at the moment, with our current tabs.


I think different front ends each do some things well. Ecency really works for me for engagement, I can go down the list of alerts and see new posts, votes, everything all in one place in a format I just find easier to digest than other front ends. But PeakD really knocks it out of the park with their template functionality, so I tend to post from there.

Yeah, the templates of PeakD is great, and it has so many cool things it does. But, you're right, each one has its own pros and cons.

I like Ecency for the app, and being able to keep updated on what's going on, on the fly. However, I only like to comment on the PC or Laptop, because sometimes it's hard to type on my phone, especially for longer messages.

If I want to write longer comments from my phone I often use voice to text.

That's a brilliant idea, I think I'll start doing that!

Thanks for the tip.

How is template feature better than Ecency drafts?

Well mostly it's just that I seem to get on better with it 😁

But setting up a template means I can pick the tags and set up a framework for a "standardised" post layout. Then clicking the "create a post" button enables me to put together a post based on the template while the template stays unchanged and available for the next post in the series. Having a bunch of named templates just seems much more organised than hunting through a bunch of drafts in chronological order which includes not just templates but things I started but abandoned.

Thanks for the explanation. I have never used it so it was a mystery to me!

Ecency and PeakD are both great front ends, I must admit I use both of them equally but for slightly different tasks 😀

That makes sense! It also explains why I never see your posts in the Ecency feed when I am curating!

Thank you for your feedback and for using @ecency! I will deliver it to the ecency team!💙

Thanks for suggestions, we will review and see which ones we are able to implement.