A 34-year-old diabetic patient visited me on March 04 morning, 2025, Ramadan 04. His main concern was rapid weight loss! At first, he told me that he was on two medications. He didn't bring the medicines. He also couldn't show any pictures of the medicines. I was confused about one medicine name.
I checked his blood sugar and it was very high (505 mg/dl). Most likely, due to a lack of working insulin in his body, he was in a catabolic state. Hence, he was losing body weight fast. I asked him to start insulin but he refused. He wanted medicines.
As I was confused about one medicine he was taking, I asked him to bring the medicines or at least a previous prescription. His home was nearby! He returned in the evening. I found that he was on three different kinds of medicines with the maximum dose of each one! When I was going to try to convince him of insulin, he told me the truth! He wasn't taking any of the medicines. Rather, he was on homeopathic medicines!!!
Sometimes, I become speechless from the stupidity of my patients!! He was given three medicines with each one of its maximum dose. But, he opted for homeopathic medicine!
I prescribed some medicines and asked him to come for a follow-up after one week!