Value the people who help uplift you

in FreeComplimentslast year

People you can talk with at any time and stage will help you rise like a ladder. You say, "I want to see the whole world in a few days." They are happy and keep saying that anything is possible. You say, "I want to buy a lion and keep it with me." Friends know where to find the lion, so they call them. They keep saying that anything is possible. You tell them, "I'm leaving for Moon to live." They like it and plan to visit.

Then, all of a sudden, I feel bad about myself. Everything is in place; I need help, and anything is possible. So why am I just sitting here doing nothing?

If I meet those people when things are going well, they're happy for me. When these two people met again after a couple of years, they looked the same beautiful, but they had changed a lot. They had solved problems, moved up in their careers, or found new things to do. Plus, it's always fun to be happy for them and talk to them.

Some people's lives improve, but not all do. Because if you want to better your life, you must get off your comfortable couch and sit on a rattled chair.