Fuel Income Calculation | Bought 4 Power Ups for More Fuel Generate

in FreeCompliments18 days ago

Moonkart (10).jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Few days ago I try fuel would have higher demand when the mobil version come, now I would like to calculate it !


What is Moon Karts?


I think this game is popular enough on hive, and you could see many post about it. But if you unaware about Moon karts, let me tell you bout this game first. Moon Karts is classic kart racing genre likes mario cart which combined with blockchain technology. Coming as a 3D and play-to-earn game, this game is enjoyable and financially rewarding. There is things that makes this games even more interesting, there is upgradable character and Karts, so we can tecnically improve the kart's performance like the Tamiya things.


Fuel System on Moon Karts


Why do I calculate a fuel generation ? Does fuel really matter ? Well it is ! Fuel is needed whenever we want to go for multiplayer games which is the play to earn games. Each kart, driver, parts, and power ups are reqired a fuel to be use. The higher level of NFTs and the faster they are, the more fuel cost is required. You can still play with 0 fuel, but only on single player games which is just for training. So yeah, fuel is very important ! You can check how to generate your own fuel on my previous post on https://peakd.com/hive-140084/@ramadhanight/lets-generate-our-own-fuel-in-moonkarts- , and learn how to claim it on https://peakd.com/hive-140084/@ramadhanight/claiming-the-fuel-they-are-stackable--and-have-some-race-with-it


Fuel Generate Calculation

Before decide to invest, it is important to have a calculation about it.

First, I capture the swap.hive for script rate on the tribaldex. This rate will be used to count the APR. For your information, script is used for staking cards, with each card would need 2 staked script. At the time I write this post, the rate for each script is 1.58146733 swap.hive.

Next I will capture the colony and swap.hive rate. Colony is the token we would get normally when selling the fuel, with the rate at current rate is 1 colony for 4 fuel. At current rate, 1 colony is equal to 0.00128644 hive at the tribaldex.

Next we need to go to the market and find the cards.

Then check it's price on the script rate.

Last things to do is to put it on a spreadsheet. I put the generated fuel as well, based on my own observation (please CMIIW). Legendary Kart is generating 50 fuel, while the legendary driver generate 45 fuel, then followed with engine, tire, and armor with 42,5 fuel, and last is the tech with 40 fuel.
Then I do calculation for the epic, and rare. I learn that the ratio for each category is 10:9:8.5:8 for the Kart : Driver : Engine/tire/body armor : Tech cards for each class. Common cards is not worth to count, this is due to the script cost which is stagnant, this mean the cost for lower fuel generated is high on the % of total cost. But there is interesting fact for the power ups. Even their class is common, they generate 42,5 fuel ! This makes them having better APR than the other based on my calculation.
Legendary cards is having APR with 11.65% at most for driver cards, while epic cards could generate fuel with APR of 14.23% for the driver cards. Rare only able to get around 7,06% for the driver cards, and then boom, the power up cards is having up to 36,01% of APR !

To be honest, I think this is a great opportunity, so I decide to get some celestial thrust that is available on the market 😂

Immidiately swap some HBD into hive, and convert them into credits.

Now bought them for 14,800 credist equal to $14.8


What's Next ?

Since I took 4 more cards, I need 8 script to stake. That why I trade them on markets

Now I transfer them into my moonkart account and wait them till arrived so I can stake my new cards

Claiming the fuel everyday, try to sell them or use them for racing is the next things I'm going to do. I wish I could play more games this season to get more rewards.


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you playing Moon Karts? Have you generate your own fuel ? What is your strategy to earn ?

If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on https://moonkarts.arcadecolony.com/

PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

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Genesis League Goals : https://goals.genesisleaguesports.com/

Put 3% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

Moon Kart for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~

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