What is Moon Karts?
Moon Karts is classic kart racing genre likes mario cart which combined with blockchain technology. It is coming as a 3D and play-to-earn game. This is an enjoyable and financially rewarding game. There is things that makes this games even more interesting, there is upgradable character and carts, so we can tecnically improve the kart's performance. This is mostly likes the tamiya things !
You can check more details of it's uniqueness on my previous post on https://peakd.com/arcadecolony/@ramadhanight/preparing-for-moon-karts-game-or-get-some-script-as-a-start
Leaderboard on Moonkarts
There is many ways to earn from Moonkarts, from a ranked and track pool that given each race, and orbitals pools and ranked seasonal pools that is given per season.
Full information is posted on https://support.arcadecolony.com/hc/en-us/articles/30670211605140-Ranked-Rewards-Colony-Staking-Requirements-for-Moonkarts-MK
Here is the full details of distribution colony token for each rewards category. Orbitals pools that is given per season is the biggest with 40% of allocation or 20 Million Colony each Year ! Ranked pools is following with 25% of allocation colony and then there is ranked seasonal pool with 20% of colony allocation. Then there is the track pool that given each race with 10% of colony.
Claiming the Seasonal Rewards
While the rewards that given per game is automatically comes to our account, the seasonal rewards need to be claimed. It's my second season on moonkarts, and finally I learn about how claiming the seasonal rewards. Here is how we can get it !
First, we need to go to the playing site of moonkarts on https://moonkarts.arcadecolony.com/play . You can see on the right of the screen there is notification with the red button as notification of unread message. Simply click it for seeing the message
Now you will find the leaderboaord rewards. I got 2 season rewards cause I don't know how to claim it last season. Now you can simply claim the rewards by click the collect button for each of them.
Staking The Colony
After claiming all season rewards, for staking the colony tokens, we need to go for the colony icon on the top right of the screen
There you can find information about the colony that you have on the staked, in game, and hive engine. I decide to buy some colony for making it into 10k colony ! We can also claim the colony from staked GLX and SPS on the right of the screen.
Since I got colony on hive engine, I need to transfer it to the game. We can simply use the transfer feature by click the transfer on the middle option then choose the hive engine on the player option
After you chose the hive engine, input the nominal of colony we want to transfer, then click the transfer in for transfer the colony from hive engine into the game.
Now we can back to the stake menu and input the colony we want to stake. I decide to stake the 4047 colony in order to reach my first 10k colony.
There you go, the colony is already finish get staked, and now I get past 10k colony !
My Next Target
I will try to get some race again this season, and hope to earn more rewards after staking more colony. I also want to start generating my own fuel for the needs of the race. My next staked colony target is to get past 20k which I hope I could manage to get before next season !
Final Words
If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on https://moonkarts.arcadecolony.com/
PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!
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Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive
Moon Kart for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name
~Thank You~