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RE: Some New Games To Sell

in Hive Gaming6 months ago

Decent man can't go wrong for 2 pounds a piece! Everytime I see your posts I get jealous that the video game market where I live is kinda crap!


Honestly man, it's 90% luck, with a heavy dose of good timing. I've missed out on some brilliant deals by only a few minutes, so timing is key.

Man where I live people think they have more than what they actually have. I've seen people wanting $20 a piece for 360 games.

In fairness man, there are plenty of people over this way looking for the same amount, and some people price games accordingly, but I just look to pick up bundles, especially from people who just want to have a clear out and a quick sale.

I pay full price for games I want, like Simpsons Hit and Run, I bought that one recently for the PS2 off someone. I'd never played it before, but it set me back €40, which is basicially the same price as it goes for online.

Do you ever go to Yard Sales? We don't have them over here, but I wish we did. I watch some guys who can get kickass deals.

Yard sales down here are a huge hit and miss. I think the main problem where I live is that people truly don't understand the value of what they have and think that they should get 300+ dollars for a PS4 in alright condition and then complain when people dont buy it.

For games that I want I have no problem paying full price for them either. I paid Price Chart price for Scarface the World is Yours recently.

I was so close to buying that alongside hit and run but decided to hold off for the moment. Them two, The Warriors, Sly cooper, Jak and Daxter and the Ratchet and Clank games are the ones I'm looking to buy atm

I've got my eye on Hit and Run too! I've been debating the past couple of weeks whether to pull the trigger on it or not!