Leveling In The Old Republic

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

It has been so much fun re-visiting and getting back in The Old Republic again. I've been jumping on for a few minutes here and there whenever I get a chance to complete a mission or two.



I've flown up to level 40, in what seems like no time at all, and the best thing about it is I haven't been grinding or having a boring experience in the game at all.

As far as I know the max level is 80, so I'm half way there. Currently, I've nearly completed 3 planets and I don't know what my next planet will be or what awaits my character.

From the starting planet Hutta, I went to Nar Shaddaa, which is a level 25 world and as I was there I was already level 27, leaving there I was around 32 and went to my next stop which was Balmorra. I actually done this backwards as Balmorra is level 21 and since being there I've hit 40.

I have mainly focused on the story missions, and side missions, but a big boost to my leveling has been completing each Heroic mission and any bonus objectives that come with the missions in general.


Good Loot

The heroic missions have given me so many cool pieces of armour, and I have my character fitted out in an outfit that looks kind of like Boba Fett, but sadly, my armour is currently worse than a bunch of new pieces I've collected, but because I really like the look of it, I've decided to keep it equipped.

I'm sure there is a way of keeping the look while equipping higher level pieces, and that's my next goal for my character once I finish Balmorra and leave it.

Before going to the next world in the story I'm going to explore the Fleet a bit, which is sort of like a hub for crafting trainers and it also has plenty of merchants.

What I'd also like to do is look into potentially crafting some new armour pieces of my own, mainly to sell for the time being as I raise those skills and make some higher level gear.

My companion is kitted out in some good looking gear too, but the stats don't seem to be useable for companions, so for them armor and weapons is essentially just for show.

I still have plenty to learn, but with the help of some tutorials I've kind of got a hang of it again. Years ago when I was first playing it I was watching tutorials, but in the time since then I have had to relearn a lot of stuff.


Star Wars The Old Republic It's a really beautiful game, it's true that it has its gameplay and everything else in terms of missions and all that stuff, but the setting is to be admired. I just hope you continue to enjoy and get the most out of your adventure.

Sending Love and Ecency Curation Vote!
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I tried out SW:TOR when it turned free to play. It was a bit jank but definitely had a story that kept me interested. I recall trying out the agent and having to kill some heroic or elite mobs and I had to put my skills to the test by constantly CCing and maneuvering around the terrain.

I totally get the feeling of keeping gear equipped because it looks cool. It's hard to let go when it's so iconic!

Good luck on your future adventures in the galaxy!