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RE: Making New Friends By Burning Tyres!

in Hive Gaming11 months ago

Is this game a racing MMO or what? Quests and dailies. Takes me back to those World of Warcraft days.


Yooooh bud sorry for only getting back to you now on this...

Well yeahp "Forza 5 Horizon" is open world and you can choose what to race when and how.... you also see other players driving around and then you can fall in with what they do...

It's amazing fun! Really it is and coming from me... I hate racing games... because of working on cars and stuff... but this game is quite on point with a lot of stuff... as close to real as you can get...except for the dying part when you crash 🤣🤣🤣

You also get "Forza Motorsport" which is just track racing.


There has never been and never ever will be anything as amazing as me discovering World Of Warcraft back in the day!! Absolutely nothing!