Centauri Pack is Only Available on Market | And Why I think it's Cheap

in Hive Gaming2 days ago

Moonkart (14).jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Today, I would like to share about the centauri pack which is already sold out on the official moonkart's site, let's check it out !

Centauri Pack as The Only Card Source on Moonkarts

Moon karts, as the blockchain games is need NFT's in order for player able to play the game. The very minimum requirement is the Kart NFT and the Driver NFT. But the complementary cards like the engine, tire, and tech is very recommended as they would boost your kart's stats and give you better drive experience on the race. As a new game, there is only 1 edition of cards which is coming from the pack named Centauri Pack. You can say it's like the Alpha or 1st generation Pack. You can collect any kind of cards (Driver, Kart, etc) from it. So this centauri pack is some kind of complete pack which you can get a chance for all category of cards inside (but it will contains 5 cards for each pack).

The centauri pack was officially sell on the moonkarts official shop site on https://arcadecolony.com/shop/moonkarts

You can get them with 5000 credits (5$) or you can also get it with 5 script (the price is depend on market, but it usually less than 1$, so you can have the pack with less $ by using script).

But, they are no longer available on the site as it's already sold out. So, market is the only way to get the pack. We can reach the centauri market on https://hive-engine.com/trade/CENTAURI

The last price of centauri pack is around 9.2 hive or around $2.5.
To be honest, I was thinking about waiting for the official pack, but I think the pack's price is not bad with $2.5 each. This is due to the fact of the APR for fuel that I've been post on the past, and the power ups cards is the best fuel producer with common rarity. There is also the chance for the legendary kart which I'm still looking at. So, I give it a shot for the pack on the market !
There is actually some NFT that is available on the card market, but it's on quite high price ($150), so try get it from the pack can be a fun way and profitable one.


What's Inside the Pack

The first pack get me excited cause I got 2 power ups which is a great fuel source!

my 2nd pack only get me 3 kind of cards, with astro kart is there on 3 copies. I also got the engine and rare body enhancement. Not a great pull.

Overall, with 2 power ups, I think it's a quite good pull. This is cause I've bought those power ups with almost $4 on the past (which I think is quite expensive for a common cards that turn out quite easy to get after several observation of people doing unpack).


Staking Script is Next Things Needed

For generating fuels, we need more than the cards to stake. We also need 2 script for each slot. Since I want to stake the 2 power up cards, I need 4 script to stake

First, I need to go to https://hive-engine.com/trade/SCRIPT for getting the script needed

Next thing to do is transfer the script from the engine into the moonkart's account.

Last, stake them !


Generate the Fuel

Last things to do is staking the cards, but there is problem that my moonfire missile is only 1 bcx. Gonna need reaching the discord for solving the problem.

Now I can generate 1657.5 fuel daily !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you playing Moon Karts? Please let us know by put it on comment section !

If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on https://moonkarts.arcadecolony.com/

PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

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Moon Kart for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~n

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