A Chaos Event? Not That Chaotic After All!_

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

This Time It's Different!

Now this time I really want to cut it out and try and claim most of the cars that will be getting released this season! Now I do know that there is no possible way of claiming all of them for me but I have to at-least get the common drop which is a Ford Focus 2022!

Now I've already missed a great big cut of the time! I only have half of it left the other half I slept it seems! Now whether I'll be able to get it I don't yet know! The studies are a tad bit more important right!

Anyways! I tried scoring some points in this Audi RS6 but it seems I chose the wrong car for the challenge! Off to something better!

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Oh But Of-Course!

Of-course this dum drup is going to be picking the Supra! It's my all time favourite and for the challenge I wanted to push through it might have been the best option there is for me! I decided on picking the Horizon Chaos Event!

I don't think I've actually joined a chaos event before! I must have though but I can not for the life in me remember it? But I am sure that I must have before! I've done quite a few drift ones! Oh of those I am fairly certain! Laughs!

The drifting ones really are the best! You get to have some good fun and to top it off you get to earn some skill that can never be taken away in the process! Win win win RIGHT!

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Confusingly Easy!?

Now for a chaotic event this was sort of dull! Really dull! But it might just be a random sake of luck that I managed to get! Couldn't it be?

I feel like I just drove! Drove for a long time and then bam a quest was completed! It's not that I really put in a great deal of effort at all, I'll be sure to try and avoid a Chaos event from now on! The drifting one's are far more entertaining and a far better use of my time! Remember time is precious! Spend it on what you enjoy!!

Anyways I might pick a chaos event if the timer is low! But let's hope it is never low!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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