Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Stuck In The Hedgelab!
Legitly and literally... Laughs! Well not quite in that meaning exactly.. more in the way of not finding my way around these tunnels! To think this is the third time I am running through them, maybe the fourth and I still don't know them by heart!
It's a confusing adventure for sure and tracing the steps you took isn't always that easy when the tunnels go in literally every direction!
But with that said we did manage to get some good stuff rolling down the line! I found the Super Chip and returned it t Burg.l in the Oak Tree Lab!
Now that was an adventure! In the misty dark!
Milk Molar!
Well this is new, I think? It wasn't here in my first play through and it sure as hell wasn't here the previous one I did with the co-op... but then again I wasn't solo searching this place so it might have been scooped up by then!
It's glowing and it's beautifull and it makes a pulsating vibrating sound! I love it! I just want to touch it!
Embracing The Danger!
That is the name of the game right! Anyways! I was out there in the wilds trying to find my way around this place! Believe it or not I was still lost and confused! I thought the Milk Molar would ease things up a little but it only made everything worse!
I was even more lost after that!
Yeah I took a giant leap there without any safety at all and to top it off with a nice fat blueberry on top of the cake I was galavanting around outside! What if a grasshopper just came by and said whaaap!?

For What It's Worth!
The game is beautifull indeed! Check the lighting in this one part! Absolutely gorgeous! Now I know for a fact that when I get the new PC I am going to have an even more beautifull and crisp look on that, especially with the added performance the cpu will add on the PC it will make a difference! It's only a 6gb 1660 super but it'll to the job quite nicely if you ask me!
With a ryzen 7 and a 32 gb stack ram! HELL YEAH!
I was indeed looking for this one! At some point I thought I had what I needed and tried entering the password wrongly for like six tries!
I'm glad this room fell out of the sky because I was seriously getting worried in my ability to do anything alone in this game!
Shoot your shot in the moonlight! Now it was time to get the hell out of here! To think I chose to leave the hedgelab in the middle of the night! There must be something wrong here xD! Out into all of the possible dangers we go!
Damn Freaky!
Oh laughs this entire episode was filmed during night time in the game and usually wwe skip the nights with a sleep session but this is quite fun! Galavanting around when it's dark! The ominous presence and lighting makes it such a joy to experience!
Such a joy!
This is me jumping into the waters! Nice and murky oh and don't you forget cold!
The Great Oak Tree Lab!
Remember this place? One of the very first places we discovered! The great oak tree lab! It made a huge explosion and naturally we investigated! It feels like a lifetime ago since I was last here!
Now to get some stuff done!
I actually forgot as to how badly this place really got pulled apart! This place looks like it has seen worse than nuclear! In some way, this electric gas also can't be good for me!
I have to be in and out in a jiffy!
It almost looks like a horror game if you ask me! But then again it might actually be? How horrifying must it be to shrink so small! It'll take you an entire day to just cross the yard! A thing you did in mere SECONDS! Imagine!
Things like ants can actually kill you now and humans... well they will absolutely romp you if need be!
Got to tread careful! perhaps even a raindrop would clap me out silly!
Going Home!
I suppose it is time to head homewards! I think I pushed the main quest a little too hard at the start! I need to catch up on my actual survival skills! It's a hectic thing to balance both!
The problem for me is that I don't consider this as a base building game... I'm not too sure why, it would have been much better if I had a little base already built? But then again now I've got the ability and privilege to build one where I want one, EXACTLY!
Now where would that be exactly? Don't get me wrong I wont be building a new base from scratch just yet, the old one will have to do... but if I chose to do so where would I plant one down!
How Did I Make It Out Alive!
Just how I ask you? I had delayed reactions there and it really is a huge spider right! A huge one!
When I saw it I didn't even dare to look back at anytime! Why the actual fuck would I though? I double timed it all the way back and somewhere in the process it still managed to get a hold of me!
That bastard is fast and it's fucking fast! BUT I am faster with my squibly legs!
Once home I went straight to work! Trying to tick off those objectives one at a time! It would sure as hell be a great day then! I learned what I could on the Analyzer and reinforced my armor in the process as well!
I realized in the process of doing all these things that I had an enormous amount of resources just sitting idly, I need to start getting a base up and running soon! So in the next episode we will try and do something more elegant to the base!
Sounds like it can maybe be fun, or boring? You never know?
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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