Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
A Job For A Certain Kind Of Taste.
We do those as well yeah!
Today we will be hitting up some test driving! Oh, don't be mistaken this wont be any slow run to see if the cars that are rebuilt run okay.
This will be all out racing! It always is isn't it?
Oh and I just had to drive the Dodge Demon today! Not in the race but as the daily! I saw a video of a guy driving one and dayum it made me happy!
The Sandy Madness!
I have to admit it was a great deal more fun than I thought gunning in the sand would be!
The only down side to all of this was the fact that I had to drive in a Ford Fiesta, now with that said this little thing really gave a packing punch! And that on sandy beach roads!
I also wont say I am a fan of the wide body kit but even more so I am not a fan of the big wing on the back either! That really looks absurd!
I Should Be More Understanding.
I really should be considering when it comes down to what car one wants to race... remember people like to play and they play with all sorts of toys! Any make or shape and no matter the size they will turn it into a play toy!
Us humans are fascinating like that aren't we!
Besides now I have another rally type car to add to my collection! At-least I do hope it is added to my collection! It would be a shame if they didn't sponsor the car to me! Although it must be somewhere in the garage!_
Not The Greatest Or The Best.
Neither is it a particularly entertaining piece of chapter but it is one that needed to get ticked off the great list of things to do here in Forza 5!
I did manage to get a free wheel spin there at the end, ended up having an extra one but I only dropped 11k credits between the two of them! Didn't even make up for the gas money!
Ah well!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive