Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
This Time I'll Claim The Mini!
Okay I know that is what I say now but damn that Mini is a frikking cool thing! Am I right guys?
It's only 40 points away, it really isn't that big of a deal! But tonight I'll have a nice sit down and run through all of these old events and see which I can claim!
For now let's see what we've got!
Me And My Trusty Subaru!
Hmm it would appear that I decided to do some "Trailblazing" with my Subaru! Yet again!
Okay in truth it was never really planned to be a "Trailblazing" ride, I merely wanted to get used to this things weird cornering, but I really still think that I myself messed up this car so badly? I should check what suspension I fitted into this thing!
This was one of my first build and I probably had no idea what I was doing back then! Which is highly plausible!
The Event Race Problem!
Okay so the problem here is that I didn't have a fast enough car, nor did I actually have a race car.
Yeah yeah you can race with it but it's not built for it, this car is as stock as it can get!
So since it ain't no race car things sort off left me behind on the pull away and when I caught up to them there were corners that I just could not take as fast as these other bloaks!
Did that stop me from winning?
At The Corner Of Dirty Tricks!
It was at this corner (Around 08:18 in the video) where I pulled the snitchest move I have ever pulled, okay I've done it before but this was superbly clean to say the least!
I didn't rely on braking power with this race, instead I used the walls to turn and it worked pretty well.
I had no choice guys?
I didn't have the luxury of time to slow down and corner that hard with this car, things don't pan out in your favour!
So instead I decided to slam into all of them and claim that first in line for the win!
Grab Em And Run!
I got that victory and along with it I got my "1974 Lancia Stratos!"
Don't get me wrong I ain't ever going to drive it, at-least I really doubt that I ever will but the fact of winning cars that I can store up in my garage just seems like the way to go!
It is after in a nice bright red! So hitting pedestrians wont leave any blood marks on the vehicle! HEH EY!
Well guys and gals! Until the next tire burning session! Stay safe and most of all stay Blessed!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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