Flood, Sweat And Gears! Forza Keeping Us Entertained!

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

The Same Route!

Okay so I finally got around to doing that "Flood, Sweat And Gears" mission that's new on the map! Or rather I am on my way to it as we speak!

Oh yeah I am of-course going to drive the exact same route to the destination since I did spawn in the same house and I do have to drive to the same location! Just this time I will do what I set out for!

What did I set out for? The "Flood, Sweat And Gears" mission!
Now I have a feeling that I ain't going to be swimming at all! It's probably going to be like that Mile High Mission, where the bikers jumped out of the plane!

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I Can Tell This Is Going To Be Fun!

Oh dang yes people! I love that Forza puts in some much effort to keep this game entertaining! This is a whack idea!

Okay so as I thought I won't be gunning it out on a jet ski like these three other folks but they sure as hell are racing along with me!
This is some landy watery track I am racing on and our paths keeps on converging into one another's!

The thing I find the coolest is this whack buggy I am gunning it out in! It looks fairly odd but it drives like a frikking dream! It's a little lumpy but what would you expect from such an off-roading vehicle!

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Some Really Whack Jumps!

Oh the jumps in this race is whack! What makes it even more whack is that they slow it down once you hit the highest peak of the jump! It really amps up the thrillingness of it all, I know that sounds odd in it self but it feels like I am watching a movie and deciding the outcome of what comes next!

Without a doubt superb! There is one thing I wish for and that is a new damn rig! I won't mind playing this game on super ultra graphics! But with that said I should strap in and get comfy because I ain't going to get a new rig anytime soon!
Perhaps I should do something like take 10% of the rewards on my posts and push it towards a new setup? That might work right?

Anyways back to the mud splitting!

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From Inside The Cockpit!

Now that is a crazy feeling! I chose not to drive the most of the race with this view because it felt nice seeing those whackheads flying around in the air with their jet ski's! Otherwise I might miss half of the show my peeps!

It does have a unique sound from within the cockpit though! The best thing about forza is that you can hear the difference in engines and even transmissions when building something up! See most of these racing builds have straight cut gears in their transmissions and they tend to whine a great deal!

You can hear them whining away the faster I go and on top of that you can hear the whistling of the turbo! Amazing stuff my people! Simply amazing stuff!

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Doesn't This Seem Like Major Fun! Imagine Being Able To Do These Things In Real Life! Whack!

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By A Thread!

Dang guys I didn't think I was going to win this one! I really thought that they sprung up on me like that! It was quite epic though! I won by less than a second! I think by 0.2 of a second! How insane is that! Well it's either that or the game let me won on purpose!

Either or it was an extremely fun adventure and one that I would gladly re run jsut for the fun of it!
Peace out guys and gals and stay safe! Until the next rubbing spitting race!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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