Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Oh She Is A Beauty!
Okay yeah I won't be racing in this one this time! No I am going to hunt for some more accolades today. (Mind you I picked the wrong one! Laughs or perhaps I was confused with where the marker was set but hey I did do something at the end of the day!
Today it'll be the Mulege Town Scramble, but this race I swear I've done before but it does say new on the map marker so I am really not even sure anymore!
Didn't win this time though!
This Is Going To Be Bad!
The moment I joined in on the race and saw that I had to pick between just one Jeep... Well I knew then and there that this was a race lost!
See I have no hate against these Jeeps, they drive lovely! The problem here is that I can't upgrade my Jeep otherwise it falls out of the class that qualifies for it!
So there I was with my slowest ever Jeep!
Really? Really? Really?
Seriously though? Forza could not have programmed those four drivers with the same colour Jeeps as mine to paint them any differently?
That would have been some bombing stuff!!
I think I'm going to build one weird little car soon! With the brightest colours available to mankind!
More Behind With Each Mistake!
I think the real problem comes in with being to use to all these powerfull cars, when I pull to the left we go to the left sideways! Those things respond way too fast compared to these slow and sluggish vehicles!
Now I did not win this race as you can see at the end of it I was in ninth place and that really gave my ego a KNOCK!
But I did manage to get some nice drops out of this race! Until the next rubber burning session! Stay safe and stay Blessed!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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