Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
The Future Of Mid.
Not exactly sure what the title means but I thought it sounded quite satisfying, right?
Rocky Beginnings, now that sounds like a fairly cool one, well now that I read it contains a BMW. I'm not too sure about this one anymore, I am no fan of a BMW! No fan at all!
However! This is what the "Forzathon" demands of us! And when it demands we have to pay! With every last bit of strength we have! Forward is the way!.
This is probably going to start off very easy and end very very HARD!
For The Time...
I can only think that for the year 81 this must have looked real balling back in the day! Oh boy oh boy how cool would you have been owning and driving one of these!
It's funny how they've not maintained that image... I'd say it looks a fair deal better than any modern BMW. Yeahp I can say!
Just A Drive.
That is all it takes, literally... Well you've got to own it as well though. That might be the tricky part of it all, it's quite expensive and I got mine in a drop, not sure where though but I did. Anyways I almost made the mistake of actually buying a brand new one!
That would have been terrible! However the deal would not have gone through since the car is literally worth more than my entire wallet balance (Not IRL though.)
Can't Forget The Racing Part!
That would be a damned shame right!
The race was for a change actually quite exhilarating, perhaps only because I was in the lead, sort of.. at-least I wasn't behind. I managed to gain up to 3rd and 4th place very quickly in the race and managed to maintain those positions for the majority of the races. That was a very fun lap, that I can tell you!
Near the very end of it especially so!
When In Lead It's Time To Play!
Why do anything else when you've reached the endgame phase? Just get it! I was slipping around corners both intended and not intended. It was a harsh run that last bit but self made harsh and that is where the best fun is born!!!
When you push the limits further and further everyday!
I do have to get the other half of this contest done with but I'll leave some plays left for tomorrow. that does sound fair ey!? Besides if they get harder I might not have as much fun on the challenge as I would have, it might end up being a dragged out session!

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