Well Hello There Gamers And Hivers!
I certainly almost for got about this challenge! I really have and the way I see things I might not be able to finish all of the possible missions! We're heading homewards tomorrow so I'll be on the road most of the time and after that I'd likely forget to jump on with so many other things that needs doing!
I'll just have to make time though, somehow.
Relighting The Fire!
Back in the saddle hunting for the seasonal rewards!
Let's hunt down the second treasure from the event!
The clue is: "The Firebird will win and win again, aiming for gold!
A quick and easy Google search revelead that I had to win in two races after one another and get first place in both of them! Not a hard task to achieve at all!
There was one thing though! I had to win these races in a Pontiac!
So I went out and bought me the exact same Pontiac FireBird Trans Am, I mean what else?
Although I did pump some fund into the cars performance as well! As much as my wallet allowed me to! See I did want to complete that treasure hunt because of the credit reward! 250k credits! I can buy some more cars then! Atleast five, that is if I keep them stock for now! But still. I made 150k off the pop! A little more in truth since I spent under 100k on the build in total!
A Little Tease For The #GamingPhotography community!
I'm going to love sharing this one there! It's not one of my all time favourites but it is still beautifull! Very very bueatifull!
The black/brown colour is so dark that it's hard to see the car, I wouldn't want to think how hard it would be to spot this beauty in the dark!
Absolutely loving the artwork on the car though! But that I'll keep hidden till the next post!
Well since I didn't have any choice in the matter! What else was there to do other than win two races in a row? What else?
I went to the nearest festival and I went down the festival drag strip! Like a beast!
Thinking about it now I probably didn't even had to pump up the engine at all! I'd have easily won this! Although that wasn't my first thought when I was actually doing the races!
The first race, well it might not seem like it was going that bad at all and really it wasn't though! I passed the second in place just before 13% of the track!
They all kept good track behind me that's for sure, for the most part of the race! I only started gaining some good distance at around 70-75%.
It sure as hell felt hectic and one misslick and I'd go sideways very fast! That never ends good!
The two races had more or less the same stats so no need to share that info now, it is after all in the video. Check it out!
After winning the two races I Went straight to the area marked on my map! It wasn't a solid location that they gave you but more or less a "Try and find it here!" I was bad and cheated a little! I use Mr Google, did a quick search and bam! I pocketed 250k xD Laughs!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!
Dated 09/01/2024

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