Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Not About This!
So the post isn't exactly going to be about this car in particular but it will have something to do with the eventlab event! BUT Dang guys I am so deeply in love with this car I might just have to work my ass of to be able to afford one of these some day!
Laughs I will just have to! Take a look at that rear end! Beautifull isn't even the word!
Porsche VS Ferrari!
So this was a fire fueled race with just a bunch of Porsche's and Ferrari's!
I obviously chose my little Porsche! If I have a choice I would almost always pick the Porsche above anything else!
This was a confusing little race and I had to run it twice! The first time around I wasn't able to grab the winning place, but before we get to the second race let's run through the first one!
A Stagnant First Lap!
The first round was a little stagnant for me, well that was until we all collided around the second corner, mainly me causing the entire bug up but at-least there after the other cars also made problems of their own!
But it was at that corner where I messed up way too badly!!
It was at that point where I lost most of the spots I had the lead of! A tragic mistake but one that was made none the less!

A Great Leap!
Now with that said I fell back all the way to the 12th place! The irony of the case is that I couldn't fall back further but even with the HUGE set back I had I still made it!
Well sort of made it... Not to the front but I did climb a great deal of spots higher! By the end of the race I was well away in the 7th position, nothing spectacular and only one above the starting position but since I fell behind real bad I think that is something of a grand thing!
The Second Attempt!
Well I ran it a second time only because I was confident that I would win it that time around! I felt I did spectacularly the first time around seeing how far I fell behind and how far I gained!
On top of that I felt like I was getting more comfortable with the corners and that gave me the confo boost to try it one more time!
After all I could win a nice car from it if I got the first place!
I was barely halfway with the first lap and I've already gained the fourth spot!
Claiming Victory!
Before even reaching the end of the first lap I was in the lead! That is a major success win, that meant if I fell behind I still had an entire lap to catch up!
So you could say I already claimed the crown of glory on this one!
I wouldn't exactly say it was a brutal or even hard race just a hard to see the corners race!
Driving at night in this game is a lot like driving in real life at night, except you shouldn't be racing like that BUT I scored that first place and won the car!
Mainly because once I had the first place spot I didn't take as many risks as I would have! I kept it cool and especially so around the corners, screwing up was not an option for me! Except for the last corner, I got a little hasty and messed up but I went ahead and used a rewind on that one to get me back into the lead!
I had to!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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