Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Hit And Run!
I did it again! Hitting these crazy slow folks with slamming speed from behind!
Whelp I can't actually tell you where and when I got into this 92 Bugatti but it sure as hell does drive nicely! Must have been from yesterday's racing expedition!
Now for today I think I might be hitting up a weekly challenge! Might not hit the win but I sure as hell am going to try!
There's a race where I can pickup a nice 82 Porsche and who can ever say no to a Porsche! Well I'd have to win first!
Fresh Wheels In The Garage!
So as I wanted to start the "Temples Rally" race I noticed that I had no car available for this mission! Which was odd because when I went to buy a car I noticed that the Mitsubishi Lancer was one of them and I know for a fact that I have two Lancer's just chilling in my garage!
Well whatever it may be I now have three Lancer's chilling there!
You can't have too many of a good thing right!
This time I chose it in white!
Victory Was Mine!
From the moment I hit the throttle I knew that I was going to be the victor in this one!
Merely from the sight of the rear end of most of the cars! It was a classic race with most of the classic cars from the late nineties and the early 2000's!
Now one thing I know for a fact is that the Lancer wasn't a bad car back then and that is why I knew I'd win!
I think you must have been a real baller when driving those back in the daY!
The Move I'm Proud Of!
Now this is surely a move I am proud of!
I saw the gap and I went for it without hesitation and that is what made me get that tasty victory!!
It might look like I'm being escorted by a security detail but in fact I am on the go with making a move here! Timing is key though!
I Took It Like It Was Righteously Mine!
I snatched that victory without any of the four drivers infront of me having any idea what went down!
I gained first place on the podium by jumping two places at a time! That was more fun than I have ever had!
Given I did hit the wall on the otherside but I did manage to retain my position!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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