Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
Took The Cup!
FINALLY! I can't even believe it myself but I finally managed to take home the cup of the Goliath! WOW! Trust me I've been at this race for a long time! It wasn't a daily struggle nah but one that took almost a year to get! Given I did not try to race it for a very vvery long time because I simply thought that I'd never actually win it!
But I did say that once I am home I would give it a re-run and here I am with the victory medal claimed! DAMN it feels amazing!
Without further adue let's jump into the race! Not much to be said other than it's pretty fast paced! REALLY FAST PACED actually! But with that I also did a couple of rewinds! A lot more than I usually do and that's probably a big reason as to why I finally took the cup home!
Not Without Fail!
Trust me I've ran the lap a lot of times before and yes practice does make perfect but practice doesn't account for human error! I did indeed make a whole lot of crashes!
One thing I realized was that if I tend to focus on the road and only check the mini-map for turns in the road I do so much better as to when I'm trying to see where exactly the other drivers are!
The point I'm trying to make is that if I focus less on the other drivers and more on the road infront of me I tend to drive faster and catch up wayyyyyy easier!
Something to always keep in mind!
Seemed Lost As Some Point!
Honestly I was a little lost! Because I did start focusing on the other drivers!
Not long after gaining good ground and traction did I start to slack a little! Nothing can be done perfect in this lap it's hard because it's fast paced and I am up against skilled drivatars!
Never stop pushing though, the harder I push the more they screw up aswell!
Right after this bend is where I over took two of them that crashed, giving me back some of the spots I lost!
The Beauty Of Gains!
Now this is something I like to see! Me going semi sideways around a corner and the crew coming around with traction on all four wheels! Come on now you're slowing me down here!
I do want to brag a little, if I may! Check the insane graphics! AH it so much more beautifull on the PC than it ever was on the laptop! See that spitting flame from one of the exhausts of the car next to me?
Crisp and beautifull!
The Final Push!
See at this point I've gained a major amount of traction, I was doing really good BUT I still didn't have the first place title and I knew I had to do something about this really fast now because falling behind now wasn't an option! Only gaining the first place was and I was running out of track real fast! Check the speeds we are gunning and tell me how fast you think track expires!

Chasing Is The Game!
Yeahp! Now I've only got to clap the car in the lead! He proved to be much more of a challenge than any of the other drivers!
But through out the race I managed to knock him out of place and have him crashing, then another driver took his spot up but I knew I'd be able to pass that driver because I have done so for about three times, maybe more!
So if a nice long stretch of road came the power of this beast would kick in and claim the victory!
I am loving this Mercedes that I won! ABSOLUTELY LOVING IT!

Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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