Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!
The Forgotten One!
Sheesh... How long has it been? Seriously? Okay mayhaps not that long but it sure as hell feels like months ago when I last driven this beautifull silver Mercedes!
The steering and mostly everything else felt real querky and off where as to once upon a time I was so used to it that I thought it was one of the best handling cars out there!
Funny how you outgrow certain things in life.
She still drives quite nice though, I won't deny that!
This One Was Special!
But really it was!
Of-course it was meant for another seasonal rewards and since I've gotten stacked with the coins lately I thought why not throw some around? Much like winning the lottery and now I can buy what I want forever until my money runs dry! The amazing amazement behind that!
Well it is a damned good looking car though isn't it?
I think I should have chosen the blood red above the white though, too late now the colour is set and dry!
A Classic Oval Track!
Now that is something that is HUGE in my country! OVALTRACK racing! But more so MUD OVALTRACK racing! Oh boy oh boy it could be some major fun!
The only downside being that the track is oval! After a while your head begins to feel like an oval!
Jokes aside it really felt queer to say the least, it's not something meant for me, I'd still enjoy it but not like a normal track!
A Race Not Meant.
If there ever was a race that I was meant NOT TO WIN it would without a fact be this damned race!
Oh yes I went in with such a fat head inside my Viper! Well that was until these guys pulled out from underneath me and showed me that I am still a little puppy! And then the game has the audacity to tell me that I've been doing great in races and I need to up my difficulty!
If I upped the difficulty I'd have surely gotten last place! At-least right before the end of the race I managed to gain a few spots and that meant that I wasn't the last loser at-least!
Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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