Buying the right items and saving cost for futuristic financial life.

in Be Entrepreneur3 months ago

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Hello guys, I have missed you all for a while, sorry for my late post, I have been really been busy, with getting my family fist for the Christmas trip. So I'm back to business again.

Buying the right items and saving cost for futuristic financial life.

Every so often, I said we should mind what we buy during this season, and more impressive comments turned out on that article, this is not a post article.

But now that season is her, December, a season of where we have to spend, money, more than what we even use to in some cases.

As humans, we all want to celebrate, but even the Bible said thou is the man who counts the cost before embarking on a project

Man does mean any gender but everyone, sometimes we tend to do things in a way that appeals to us without thinking about the cost.

Thinking about the cost includes knowing that after season celebration comes another reality which many people always complain about how difficult and tough it is as well.

I have come to you today with the mind of an entrepreneur to teach us how we need to maintain, our buying and regulate our needs.

Like I said, it is not wrong to buy everything in the market, but it is wrong to buy anything in the market. So as the marketer and sellers, we should count the cost.

Please look out for the most important items, articles and accessories, critically think, if you require these items before paying from that card. Occasionally, we go to the market, buy everything, but they are not what we require.

Remember that your salaries is measured by the market force, don't buy more than you can afford, pay attention to significant things. The season will come and go.

Don't host people your financial capacity can't carry such part, after the season everyone would go their way, you remain with your family.

Have you paid your children tuition ahead of time? Have you separated that budget from your season expenditures? If you haven't, please do so.

No one is pressure to do anything, people say I am doing it because, there are too many expectations from people to me. No, you own your pocket, that doesn't mean you shouldn't share.

Buy according to your salaries, avoid credit, but as a buyer and seller don't issue out any goods to any customers on credit, do discount and let the person buy based on that.

Remember you need to go back to business by January, they will come with sweet mouths, but redemption will not be easy, so sell on discount and forget about the idea of selling on credit.

Avoid loans to that would enable you get stock goods, be careful of the kind of loans you incur into your business this season. People would offer you loans in a very fairly manner, but you may not actually come out of it alone and still own your business.

Don't let competition be the goal of your business these seasons, don't compete with the next business person around you; sell as if you own your business.

Have a solid price tags on your goods, and services to people, in the case where negotiations do not work out, let that customer go. Don't sell out a lost and begin to cry.

For example, I gave a contract of one million to a man to make school chairs for me, soon to be donated to my community school, that's a story for another day.

As of yesterday, he called me that he needed some extra cash to be added to a contract deal that has been signed and approved. The question is where are my going to manufacture that extra cash to give to him.

This is for entrepreneur who are into skills, before you accept a contract, this season be certain you know your market and economy inflation system.

Things changes more, especially in my country, I decided to add more money to him because, I have a soft heart, you may necessarily not be as lucky as my client.

So understand that the season comes with a lot of pressure, itself but don't allow it to take over the business part of your life.

You have a life to live again in the few coming weeks, people would keep on complaining that January is difficult, and would ask them what was your expenditures budget and financial plans?

Even in this hive, many people would power down, their HP and withdraw 80% of their HBD. Just to feel among. That is not the life of a good prospective businessman.

Selling all you have into a chip cost of celebration without cost management and cost counting this season would definitely bring you down.

No joke, you everyone want to sell, all producers want to distribute their goods at affordable prices, please go for the ones that would be valuable to you after the season celebration.

May people Sell some sort of valuable property, land to make sure they feel among this season. Selling it requires you count the cost of what you actually would like to do with that money.

Do you intend to complete an unfinished building?or invest it into a business? Or go to hotels to spend a unique life? Like, I always say money is like a child, how you manage it would tell to your growth.

Manage your financial expenses according to salary, don't take extra cost, don't throw yourself on embarrassment, each dim you spend should go with a reason.

After all, there would still be life after Christmas celebration, most people would receive many gifts, of different kinds. In the case of it being a car, that you can't manage the cost effect, sell it and invest the money into something that would generate more money.

Don't buy properties this season that you can't afford to sustain and maintenance cost effect afterward. Some people would buy big gadgets but in the end tail they absolutely won't be able to maintain it.

Don't attempt to show off, with someone else it doesn't show financial brilliancy. And Android phone of 200,000 thousand Naira can do, while an iPhone of 800,000? You can use the remaining part of it to invest into something that would be certain to you.

A phone you may actually don't have what it takes to buy data, a car you can't afford to fuel it, even it is a gift sell it, after the season and invest the money.

Widow is profitable, don't be a one-day rich man and other days poor man, it means you are a poor mind person in business and financial critical thinking process.

[Spanish] Hola chicos, los he extrañado a todos por un tiempo. Perdón por mi publicación tardía, he estado muy ocupado organizando todo para el viaje de Navidad con mi familia. Así que estoy de vuelta al negocio nuevamente.

Comprar los artículos correctos y ahorrar costos para una vida financiera futura.

Cada cierto tiempo, menciono que debemos ser cuidadosos con lo que compramos durante esta temporada, y los comentarios sobre ese artículo fueron muy interesantes. Sin embargo, esto no es un artículo, es un recordatorio.

Ahora estamos en diciembre, una temporada en la que solemos gastar más dinero de lo habitual.

Como seres humanos, todos queremos celebrar, pero incluso la Biblia dice: "Bienaventurado el hombre que cuenta el costo antes de emprender un proyecto".

El término "hombre" incluye a cualquier género, a todos. A menudo hacemos cosas que nos parecen atractivas sin pensar en el costo.

Pensar en el costo implica saber que después de las celebraciones viene una realidad que muchos consideran difícil y complicada.

Hoy vengo con la mentalidad de un emprendedor para enseñarnos cómo debemos controlar nuestras compras y regular nuestras necesidades.

Como mencioné, no está mal comprar cosas, pero sí lo está comprar sin sentido. Como vendedores y compradores, debemos contar el costo.

Por favor, busquen los artículos más importantes y esenciales. Reflexionen críticamente si realmente necesitan esos artículos antes de pagar con su tarjeta. A menudo vamos al mercado, compramos de todo, y luego nos damos cuenta de que no necesitamos gran parte de ello.

Recuerden que sus salarios están determinados por las fuerzas del mercado. No compren más de lo que pueden pagar. Presten atención a lo realmente significativo. La temporada llegará y pasará.

No hospeden a personas más allá de la capacidad financiera que pueden soportar. Después de la temporada, todos seguirán con sus vidas, y ustedes se quedarán con su familia.

¿Ya pagaron la matrícula de sus hijos? ¿Separaron ese presupuesto de sus gastos de temporada? Si no lo han hecho, por favor háganlo.

Nadie está obligado a hacer nada. Muchas personas dicen: "Lo hago porque hay demasiadas expectativas sobre mí". No, ustedes son dueños de su bolsillo. Esto no significa que no deban compartir, pero háganlo de acuerdo con sus ingresos.

Eviten el crédito. Como compradores y vendedores, no otorguen bienes a crédito. Ofrezcan descuentos y permitan que las personas compren según sus posibilidades.

Recuerden que necesitarán retomar su negocio en enero. Las personas vendrán con palabras dulces, pero el cobro no será fácil, así que vendan con descuentos y olviden la idea de vender a crédito.

Eviten los préstamos para acumular inventario esta temporada. Tengan cuidado con los préstamos que aceptan para su negocio. Muchas ofertas de préstamos pueden parecer tentadoras, pero podrían poner en riesgo la continuidad de su negocio.

No dejen que la competencia sea el objetivo de su negocio esta temporada. No compitan con los demás. Vendan como si fueran los dueños de su negocio, con precios justos y claros.

Si una negociación no funciona, dejen que el cliente se vaya. No vendan con pérdidas y luego lamenten esa decisión.

Por ejemplo, contraté a un hombre para hacer sillas escolares por un millón de nairas, que planeo donar a una escuela comunitaria. Ayer me llamó para pedir más dinero. La pregunta es: ¿de dónde obtendré ese dinero extra?

Esto es para emprendedores con habilidades: antes de aceptar un contrato esta temporada, asegúrense de conocer su mercado y la inflación económica.

Las cosas cambian, especialmente en mi país. Decidí darle más dinero porque tengo un corazón blando, pero ustedes pueden no ser tan afortunados.

Esta temporada trae mucha presión, pero no permitan que afecte la parte comercial de sus vidas.

Después de las celebraciones, sigue la vida. En enero, muchas personas se quejan de lo difícil que es. Les pregunto: ¿Cuál fue su presupuesto de gastos y planes financieros?

Incluso en Hive, muchos liquidan su HP y retiran el 80% de su HBD solo para "encajar". Ese no es el enfoque de un buen empresario con visión de futuro.

Vender todo lo que tienen para celebrar sin gestión ni planificación financiera los llevará al fracaso.

Recuerden, no compren propiedades ni artículos que no puedan mantener después de esta temporada. Algunas personas adquieren costosos gadgets, pero luego no pueden costear su mantenimiento.

No intenten impresionar a otros; eso no demuestra inteligencia financiera. Un teléfono Android de 200,000 nairas puede ser suficiente en lugar de un iPhone de 800,000. Usen la diferencia para invertir en algo que les brinde estabilidad.

Un teléfono que no puedan mantener con datos, o un automóvil que no puedan llenar de combustible, incluso si es un regalo, véndanlo e inviertan ese dinero.

Ser prudente es rentable. No sean ricos por un día y pobres el resto del año. Eso refleja una mente pobre en términos de pensamiento crítico y financiero.


Buenas tardes @valblesza, muy acertadas las recomendaciones dadas, gracias por compartir y colocar tu grano de arena para que en navidades seamos consciente del manejo de nuestros recursos.

Good afternoon @valblesza, very accurate recommendations given, thanks for sharing and put your grain of sand so that at Christmas we are aware of the management of our resources.