Hi, I am Arveno and i am from Surabaya city Indonesia. I want to make content about my habbit that can lead me to either success or can destroy everything on my life. To be honest, i want to share this story long time ago. But, i dont know, i am kinda afraid of people judgement. Yeah, this habbit is stick together with me from kid till right now as a father. We are all called it Lazy. Who dont have laziness inside its body??
I dont think people can get rid this habbit easily. Mine too. I cannot simply remove it from my life.
It is really hard to remove this habbit, i tried many times and ended with failure. The lazyness will be back again until someday, i learning about this lazyness from one of my life mentor. Actually he is very lazy too. But, the different with me back then is, he can control his lazyness to be productive way. And I am copying some of his ways to overcome the lazyness.
Okay, FYI in this content i will just sharing my experience and my paradigma about my self. Or rather I admit my weakness, so it will be no picture at all. And for the thumbnail Picture, i am try using ChatGPT to generate picture with "generate image being chill and watching netflix" prompt.
So, lets back to lazyness habbit. Some people will growing rapidly with this habbit. And i believe some of you that read my content also fighting this habbit right?
But, it will super hard to control and overcome this habbit right?
Okay what if rather than overcome this lazyness, trying to utilize the lazyness to maxed level in our life is much much better and can make us Success.
Did you not believe it??
Yes at first i dont believe it either until i learn how to manage and utilize the lazy in my life.
I still remember and will remembering influencer from my country that said
"Discipline is the trully freedom itself"
At that time, i said in my heart that this man is talking bullshit. I dont believe that. And right now, i know what the meaning of that sentences.
And yeah Discipline and consistency is the key to freedom.
Okay starting at the first time i change my mind and the meaning of lazy.
don't be mistaken until right now i am still lazy even though i still doing all my stuff with discipline and consistent.
What you need to change is your mindset. Change the way of thinking from i am too lazy or this work is heavy and i dont want to do it to become i think i need do it fast and found the way for complete the job as efficient as possible without wasting energy,effort,and time. If you can change the way of thinking to be too lazy to do same with other people and starting to finding a new out of the box solution that can shorten time,effortless,and not too wasting energy. You can converting the lazyness to be productiveness. You get what i said?
Yess, if you are lazy enough to do something that Usual people do and shorten all the way with your lazy way and it works. It will make you productive with utilise the lazyness.
I starting to learn how to utilise my lazyness is from high school.
At that time, my friend that almost 15 year older than me, he is so lazy to do anything and dont want to do anything. He just want to make sure that he can fishing all day, or playing kite all day, or just chilling with drinkin coffee and hanging out with people. And he told me how to manage his dream to reality with lazyness is just make a way to simplify all the problem and work until make us having more time to have fun. Thats sound interesting for me. I dont know for you, but for me at that time is make me excited to hear more and learning more.
And along with time i learning one step at the moment, and right now i change so many method with my lazyness into the productiveness.
For example, i really lazy to taking care sick people. And i change the diet on my little family, i will adding more vegetables,protein,and cut some daily sugar, for me myself,my wife,and my son. So, it will make my family less chance to get sick. Or another else. I am very lazy to working little by little. So, what i do right now is i will adding more time after i finish for today and continue for tomorrow work a little bit, if i can i would finishing my tomorrow job so i can relax and chill all day. Or, like lately, i starting consistency doing workout, I'm not that diligent, my reason is i am too lazy to working more and getting money more to paid hospital and medicine. Thats why i will doing what i need to do first. And i know the hardest part is starting. I dont know this method will working on you or not, but for me, i just start doing little first. For example i am lazy to start walking, so what i need to do, just let go for little walk 10 steps, if i can do it i just add 10 more steps and until lazy in my head change the perspective if i am not doing it right now i will paid in the future, am i not too lazy to paid it later?
That is my Bad Habbit and still my habbit till right now, I am too lazy to work harder. Thats why i am doing consistency investing on Hive and starting make plan to be financial freedom from Hive. Hopefully my content can inspiring you guys. Thanks for reading it. And see you in the next content.
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