THE TOWN SAYS... - MONOMAD - Street photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (08 Pics)

in Black And White10 months ago (edited)


The town says things
and it says much more on those rainy days
when it unleashes his anachronisms
his melancholies and his silent sadnesses...

El pueblo dice cosas
y dice mucho más en esos días de lluvia
cuando desata sus anacronismos
sus melancolías y sus tristezas silentes...

"May rewriting the street" / "Mayo reescribiendo la calle"

"Reflejo en la mañana del Lunes" / "Reflection on Monday morning"

I am a damned writer of illusions, an inventor of ephemeral events. Sometimes, in the midst of my delusions, I have the sensation of waking up, going out into the streets and giving form to everything that is around me, using only my thoughts... Memories attack me, harass me and whisper absurd explanations in my ear, as if they wanted to explain why I'm here doing this... They are memories which I presumed buried, but no, they return, bursting in front of me like living sentences...

Soy un condenado escribidor de ilusiones, un inventor de sucesos efímeros. A veces, en medio de mis delirios, tengo la sensación de despertarme, salir a las calles y dar forma a todo lo que está alrededor usando únicamente mi pensamiento... Los recuerdos me atacan, me acosan y me susurran al oído explicaciones absurdas, como si quisiesen explicarme porqué estoy aquí haciendo esto... Son recuerdos los cuales presumía sepultados, pero no, ellos retornan estallan frente a mi como sentencias vivas...

"Triptych" / "Tríptico"

"Darius the sad" / "Darío el triste"

The town says things
when its streets
are dotted with wounds
and a parsimonious wind
sways the unnecessary mist
of yesteryear's pains
as if May came
to want to kill us...

El pueblo dice cosas
cuando sus calles
se salpican con heridas
y un viento parsimonioso
mece el vaho innecesario
de los dolores de antier
como si Mayo viniese
a querer matarnos...

"Reverse town" / "Pueblo inverso"

"Even the bird wanted to be silent" / "Hasta el ave quiso callar"

I was never good at this joyful stuff; even as a child I got bored after a while... That's why I have grey memories, because I myself took away the colour and the noises to paint them with taciturn hours looking at my spirit... One day, many years ago now, too many I would say; I was looking through the window of a plane in flight at the firmament dotted with pristine white clouds... Then I said to myself: It's too beautiful, ‘I don't want it’...

Nunca fui bueno para eso de las alegrías; incluso de niño llegaban a aburrirme después de un tiempo... Por eso tengo recuerdos grises, porque yo mismo les arrebaté el color y los ruidos para pintarlos de taciturnas horas mirando mi espíritu... Un día, hace ya muchos años, demasiados diría yo; miraba a través de la ventanilla de un avión en vuelo el firmamento salpicado nubes prístinas y blancas... Entonces me dije: Es demasiado hermoso, "no lo quiero"...

"Disorder warning" / "Aviso de desorden"

My father, a cheerful, giant, strong man, full of smiles and fantastic lights, would say: "You are the strangest guy I ever met in my life" (he said this a week before he died, I remember it perfectly).

Mi padre, un hombre alegre, gigantesco, fuerte y repleto de sonrisas y de luces fantásticas, diría: "Eres el tipo más extraño que conocí en mi vida" (lo dijo una semana antes de morir, lo recuerdo perfectamente).

"Déjà Vu" / "Déjà Vu"

This post is my entry to today's #monomad challenge!... Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation!

¡Esta publicación es mi entrada al reto #monomad de hoy!... ¡Muchas gracias por pasar y apreciar!

ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL NOTE: Photographs captured with my Nikon D7000 DSLR camera in RAW format, then processed in Adobe Camera RAW for adjustments regarding light, sharpening, contrast and depth... They were then exported to JGP format on which minor modifications such as straightening and adding watermarks were carried out using PhotoScape 3.6.3.

NOTA TÉCNICA ADICIONAL: Fotografias capturadas con mi cámara DSLR Nikon D7000 en formato RAW, procesadas posteriormente en Adobe Camera RAW para ajustes relativos a luz, afilado, contraste y profundidad... Luego fueron exportadas a formato JGP sobre el cual se llevaron a cabo modificaciones menores como enderezado y agregado de marcas de agua usando PhotoScape 3.6.3.

"We make photographs to understand what our lives mean to ourselves." - Ralph Hattersley.

"Hacemos fotografías para comprender lo que nuestras vidas significan para nosotros mismos." - Ralph Hattersley.


Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM
Lens: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO
Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lens:AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G

Cámara: Nikon D7000
Lente: Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM
Lente: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Lente: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G

Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela.


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Bro @Jlinaresp, it's amazingly beautiful when the person walking while taking the photo has a shadow in the water, great bro 👍👍👍

Thanks for stopping by and appreciate friend!

Yes, you're welcome bro @jlinaresp 👍

Strange is good. Strange is outside the box.

Those are the tiiiiiiniest puppies I ever saw venture out into the world on their own.

I put them in the house where they came from when I was close to them!... They are a very adventurous pair of puppies, but they will be fine! :) Thank you for appreciating my photos!... ;)
