Birthday studio photography with my friend Isbel - Monomad Challenge

in Black And White11 months ago

Greetings to all my friends in the Black And White community! I wish you all a good day.

It seems that as I take more studio photos with a birthday theme, more people see them and want to have this type of photo for their own birthdays as well. Buying my "mini set" of studio photography was a successful investment, as I have already taken many photos of this type in a short time!

I took these photos for a friend named Isbel, as her birthday is coming up on April 11th, and she wanted to have some professional photos to share on her social media to celebrate her special day.

As a professional photographer, it is a pleasure for me and fills me with joy to create these types of photos that are so special for people.

I will use these photos as an entry for the #monomad challenge.

First, we started by taking photos using some balloons to allude to her birthday celebration:

And then we took a photo without the balloon:

Isbel had brought another dress to change into, so she went to put it on and she liked the photos with this dress much more, so we took more phots with this dress:

And then we took some more photos using the balloons, but this time sitting on the floor to add variety to the photos:

At this point, an hour had already passed and we had enough beautiful photos to end the photo shoot, but I wanted to experiment with different types of lighting so i asked my friend Isbel if she would be up for trying some different photos. She was excited and said yes.

In these photos, I wanted to take close-ups. I used a lower and softened light to somehow have more shadows and thus obtain more depth and a different result than the previous one.

And now I ask you, what kind of lighting did you like the most?

The first one with a lot of light or the second one with some shadows?

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your answers!



I can't believe we have the same name, we just don't share the same gender, great pictures brother

Heyyy that's really funny hahaha

thanks you man!!

You are welcome

Great capture my friend. 👌👌

Thanks you a lot!

beautiful photo mate


Which is the one you liked the most?

I like almost all of your photos, but I prefer holding balloons with a sweet smile :))

Thanks you!

@tipu curate

Thanks you really really much!

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