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RE: MONOMAD - May 8th - XXXL Edition - Please Read The Contest Rules Before Submitting Your Publications.

in Black And White10 months ago

Very thanks for your valuable mentions dear team @monochromes 📸❤️.

Congratulations also to my esteemed friends @wilfredocav @dimascastillo90 @jlinaresp @malos10 @naturalbornk.

Well deserved! Great job!🫂🙌📸


Muchas gracias preciosa !! <3 <3 <3 miles de abrazos para ti !

Thanks you!! you photos were really good too!

Always a pleasure!

Thanks dear @maridmc I knew I'd see your work here, so well deserved too 🖤😊

Thanks a lot dear @maridmc friend!... And also big applause for you and your top B&W portraits!...