In this sense such a photograph - Monomad Challenge

in Black And Whitelast year


Today I bring you this sample of 5 photographs essentially in black and white, with different motifs in their composition but that obviously have the same intention of capturing through the harmonisation of what is simple and that fits in with the environment, although also for this photographic work it is about the details in each motif. From the overlapping of out-of-focus branches with a main motif of the moon, to what can be seen as a sculpture or even an installation of an advertisement.



Therefore following in my same routine, always looking to justify or give reasons to capture certain elements, try to give a little meaning through my camera, so that everything has a main objective, to find harmony, beauty and meaning for each image I took as a photograph.



All the photographs are of my authorship.


Nice photos! I really liked them!

Thanks !

Increible imaginar y pensar que esto que hoy vemos como simples dibujitos algun dia fue una escena de la vida real!

Esa es la magia de la historia y en este casi el arte de plasmar lo ocurrido en la historia.

Great photographer take by @wilfredocav.
This picture are nice and impressive

Thanks for your appreciation