Overcoming Temptation And Lust Of The Flesh.

in The Kingdom9 months ago (edited)

If you want to totally overcome lust of the flesh or any other temptation, then there are ways to go about it.


In the physical realm you feed with your mouth. But in the spirit you feed with your eyes and your ears. So, whatever you feed on is what will dominate your atmosphere. Whatever you feed on is what will always pull you and draw you.

If a man keep feeding on lustful and immoral contents, that man cannot survive when temptation comes. But when a man keep feeding on the word of God, or godly contents, that man is building his spirit to resist the temptations that Satan is throwing at him

Galatians 5:17


The flesh and spirit are always in a constant war. It is part that you feed the most that will always dominate. Keep feeding your spirit, and watch how your spirit dominates in the days of temptations.

Say to yourself "I receive strength to overcome the lust of the flesh, and will always feed my eyes and ear with the words of God"

Stay Blessed.