The Message Bible. Ephesians 5:21-22
"[21]Out of respect for Christ, be courteously reverent to one another.
22 Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing. So just as the church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership, wives should likewise submit to their husbands."
This MSG version positions Christ as the fulcrum of it all. That's perfect!
Flesh and blood can't work this thing called marriage truly, as far as Godly marriage is concerned
Fact is we come into marriage with a lot of "Adam"– your upbringing, your pride, your own hidden expectations, your experience and the likes.
So from that version, the picture the woman MUST look at to play her role is Christ.
The picture the man MUST look at, is Christ too.
In Christ you find that both roles are different, yet complementary.
I remember a word called "eye-service". It's a distasteful character where you are insincere, no fidelity to duty, you only do your duty when your boss is watching to gain applause or reward.
Maybe we can say, a Godly marriage should be positive eye-service kind of thing.🙂
It so happens that your boss– Jesus Christ– is always watching, so hey you must be your best always, for His sake. Truth is that it is even in your best interest and the longevity of your marriage to function from your place in Christ.
In practical terms, your Adam will confront you as the marriage journey begins. Even you will often be surprised how much selfishness still exists in your soul. Marriage will humble you, that arrogance that has been hidden away somewhere in your soul will precipitate out and needs to be crucified.
But in reality, it is Christ that does this humbling, this pruning. The wife, the husband must keep looking unto Christ. When Adam shows up and sometimes you don't see how to do away with it(it seems like your second nature),, humbly appear before Christ for surgery for crucifixion and with time that Adam will find no place in you.
Sometimes the Adam in your partner is what will confront you and you are tempted to react from the seat of flesh. Please don't! It is same Christ that you must run to for Grace to react through Him and in Him always.
No wonder one senior Pastor will say, look there are too many principles on marriage; he says the simple solution is, BE A GOOD CHRISTIAN.
That's all.