Assurance Of Answering Prayers

in The Kingdom10 months ago

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Psalm Chapter 65:2 clearly proved that God answers our prayers. It assured us that whenever we channelled our concerns, Thanksgiving and praise to him, he will hear and help us accordingly. Although there are many form of prayers, we can offer him, He answers them all. We are confident that we are in safe hands and will be helped whenever we are worried and stressed.

In this world, many temptations abound. All these trials challenged our happiness and relationships with God at all time. To protect and sustain our relationship with God, we constantly seek his help and relied on him. His able hands with his spirit can handle any type of temptations and challenging situations. Sickness, hardship, suffering, and disasters offset us at all time but God ready to assist us.

Prayer is very important for many good reasons. But does God answers all prayers? No! He answer every prayer that support his desires and will. Knowing what God's purposes, provision and guidance will enrich our prayers. To enrich our prayers with these lovely contents, we need to consider God's word everyday. In his words, there are enough spiritual gems that will learn, believe and express with our mouth in prayer. Our prayers should not be selfish, one-sided but enriched with pleads, thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father.

However we can pray at all time and seasons. Timely prayers can be helpful but our wordings should not be routine or same as what pray book does. It should varied and applicable to our circumstances which changes rapidly. For example, when we are discussing with our friends and family members, do we need the assistance or words from books probably written by someone else? No! We are free to express our thoughts, fear, goals, and praise to them freely. Our prayer should mimic such ways of discussion with our earthly family members and friends, not being mechanical or automatic as if something prompt us to do so. Our prayers should come from our mind as we talk to our father freely and respectable.

Some people worried about the position to be before we pray. They reasoned that certain positions can mean disrespect to God and he will not answer them. Truly, our position does not matter most but we should be respectful and humble. In a prayer session between the pharisees and a tax collectors as illustrated by Jesus Christ when he is addressing the crowd on the need for prayer and humility. The pharisees was proud and boasted of his strong spiritual routines before the people in his prayer while the tax collector humbly express himself. Jesus rightly concluded that the tax collector's prayer was looked favorably despite his job description and outlook. It's our mind and heart, God examine and accept humble prayers. Not any position which means that we can stand, kneel, bend, laid down and running whenever we pray to God.


Psalm chapter 37:4 assured us that God will answer our prayers and bless us happily. We need to be humble and express ourselves richly in prayers to him.