A few days ago I stopped into one of the coffee shops I drop by every so often, which is only a minute away from work, and while there I usually chat with the owner.
This particular day, I mentioned that I'm looking for something a bit closer to home because I'm sick of traveling for work, and with that, he mentions that he's actually looking for someone in his place, but it may not suit since I'd still have to travel for it.
He said he's basically looking for someone for 2 days a week and then 3-4 days every second week. 8-5.
The hours are fairly decent, but the days he's looking for don't entirely match what I'm doing now, as some of the days actually conflict with my current job.
I spoke with Aimee about it, and she said I couldn't really do both jobs as the days conflict with one another. They do, but if I could work something out where I get set days where I can carry on with the current place while also juggling this one, it could work. I'd be making decent money doing so, and it's a handy skill to have.
Also, doing this for even 3 months would dig me out of a financial hole, and it would give me an extra skill to get something closer to home.
I'm at a point now where it seems that getting work closer to home involves spending more time away from it.
The opportunity is there, and it's not every day one arises, so I think I'm going to take him up on it.
If, and only if, I could just do a set 2 days with him, that I can work around my current job. If I can't do that, then I don't really have much choice but to decline the offer and look for something else.
It's not like I'm stuck, money-wise, but I could do with the extra few bob this would bring in, just to get my savings back in order. More so than the money, however, I'm looking at it as a chance to learn a new skill that would help me in my current search.