My Cleaning Activity for Today 19th February, 2025.

in CLEAN PLANET19 days ago

Feels great to have done my cleaning activity for today and since I missed it yesterday, today is inevitable. Having done my cleaning activity today, I decided to share in the #cleanplanet community.

Have you ever been in a state of depression? If such a question was thrown to me, then my answer would have been “Yes.” Yesterday was a bad Day for me in the sense that we had an impromptu test. One of the courses I offer in my study is GST(in short). This is one of the courses most people take less seriously because it's only exams students take, no test. And the exam questions come from only the recommended text which anyone can pick up and read. Another amazing thing is that the exam is CBT and surely an objective exam.

Throughout last week, most students failed to attend GST classes, I was among them. I was always in the library during the GST class but yesterday, we heard of an impromptu test and the hall was full. Everyone came out from their holes to write what they haven't read. The test was not that hard though because I had a little knowledge of what was asked but I believe that I may not meet my goal. I had planned on getting a 90-A but I might probably be falling to a B or still 75-A.
On returning home, I pondered on what the results of the rest would look like and that bothered me throughout the night. It left me depressed and thinking. I have always hated failure.

My cleaning activity for today was done along my street starting from my gate to the school road junction. I had to watch my time too, because another impromptu test might be announced again.

I finalized the cleaning activity today by going ahead to dispose of the gathered trash properly in the waste container.