One of the best way to bring in new ones into hive blockchain and #cleanplanet is through our hard work.
You may ask how do i mean ?
They said that curiosity kills the cat
People ars always curious they want to know about everything that happened around them and they always want to get involved in them especially when the things in question is still new to them they will like to know every detail about it sometimes asking questions.
The work of keeping the environment clean as directed by #cleanplanet.
Each time am doing my picking just to keep the planet clean people always look at me ,some may think am mad others may have other things in their mind,but the wise ones among them always pause and approach me to inquire about what am doing which i always explain to them that it's a way of keeping the environment clean , they do love the idea and always cheers me up.
And this have resulted to the onboarding of two new ones @prettyjj112 and @melpeters002 they are satisfied with the explanation given and that is why they join hive .
I also clean my surroundings today as can be seen below 👇
People are attracted by what they see so if we are serious in what we do especially on the side of cleaning our environment and keeping the planet clean they will definitely ask questions the answers they get will now help them to know about #cleanplanet #hive
And the news will spread.