Ambiguous Attitude of the Losing Parties

in Proof of Brainlast year

Indonesia has finished the general and presidential elections. The quick counts and manual count show that Prabowo Gibran won 58.8%. However, the losing parties from Anies-Imin and Ganjar Mahfud did not accept the result.

They alleged that there had been fraud in voting. The fact that, almost all witnesses in the poling stations signed the C1 form. C1 form was a proof of the election result of every poling station.

The general election commission will announce the manual count results on March 20 2024. Till now, the manual count has finished 27 provinces in Indonesia. Prabowo - Gibran won in 24 provinces.

The elites from 01 and 03 still did not accept the result. They plan to do street actions on 19 March 2024.

One thing that is irony, The UN Human Rights Committee questioned President Jokowi's neutrality. This issue is like oil in the flame. 01 and 03 reacted happily.

The question is what UN Human Rights has to do with Jokowi. Jokowi did not violate human rights. However, if the constitutional court changes the rule for vice presidential candidates from 40 to 35 years, this is a matter of legal authority, not human rights.

However, groups 01 and 03 are very happy to use this human rights issue as a new weapon to demonstrate and accuse Jokowi of cheating. Jokowi carried out all state administration processes correctly so that his son could run for vice presidential candidate.

The election law also states that if there is fraud then the trial will be taken at the Constitutional Court, not on the streets. Party 02 or Prabowo-Gibran has also prepared a legal defense for accusations 01 and 03. Human rights issues at the UN will not influence any decisions of the Constitutional Court.

So the methods of using international institutions or media to attack Prabowo-Gibran show their siding with foreigners who want to control Indonesia. The 75 million people who support 02 will not remain silent if 01 and 03 carry out anarchist actions on the streets. Is this what they want "Chaos".

01 and 03's ambiguous attitude of accusing them of cheating is probably because they lost. If they win there is no cheating. This is the nature of losers. We are waiting for March 20 2024.