Beauty In The Eye Of The Beholder!
Loving The Farm!
Well as most know I am back on the farm for about a month maybe a little more!
Now one thing I didn't know I missed as much as I do now is the sunsets! Jeez guys and gals I can't even begin to explain how much I really missed it! The thing is no matter what! NO MATTER WHAT!
The sun setting is always beautifull on the farm! On my life! There has never been a dull sunset! Might be some that isn't as extraordinary as these but heck I always find myself stopping in my tracks or jumping out of the car to get that snap!
A Roaring One!
The moment I stopped at the farm I jumped out to grab a nice photo!
Since then the sunset changed, not entirely but as the minutes went by the glow and the amount of glow turned more and brighter!
Now this is where I really wished that I had a much better camera! Seriously and not this phone crap a nice hand held camera with a nice solid lens! To get the best ever pictures!
Now what more is there to say? It's all coming together!
While everything is coming together I thought enjoying the sunset everyday until everything finally fell in place is likely the best option! I mean smile and wave and wait through it all!
Patience is the key to winning a lot of things in life!
I hope you can find some enjoyment in the photos! Trust me they are nothing compared to what the eye can behold!

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