My feelings without a phone.

in Digital Lifestyle5 months ago

image source using pixabay

In this gene Z world where people like me, use my phone, to advance my income and grow a wider experience of my daily activities. Where everyone is doing the same, in one way or the other, either to gratification purpose. It would be too strenuous to stay without a phone.

It would be critically crazy, and so disheartening, to find myself in such situations. Which I am also in such situations now. Occasionally, I don't power my light at home due to some logistics service and reasons.

Let me tell you people, for the past three months now my street has seen light. I mean, we don't have light. It from one fault to another. Just two weeks ago, they finished fixing it, and as I write this now, for the past four days we've not be having light.

People go about with their phones, including me, even in my office, we don't have light so often. The government is not ready to support the institution, so does the hike in thrift reductions. That's a story for another day.

Now since three days my gadgets, including my laptop, power bank and phone were dead. I couldn't do anything, so I had to send to a private mall where I could charge them up.

For these two days, it wasn't easy for me, life was very better for me, I was unable to sleep, I felt so moody. To be frank, my phone is one of my best friends without my phone, even for three hours, is like staying in darkness.

One could say, it is like going to an unexpected hellfire. I feel so discomfort, lonely, abstract from what is happening, when am not with my phone.

Each time, my phone is bad, or is down as a result of whatever issues, I fall sick because my value,
communication, relationships, and occasionally that vibes, of making it around goes down.

The feelings are not there anymore. Because the phone is one of the biggest assets everyone, in this era, shouldn't joke with. If I should say, people's phone need not be down, like phone is something one should always have it on.

Whenever, my phone goes bad, I feel I am losing all my business associates at that time. I feel my business is disconnected, like everything is down all together, I feel out.

I am more attached to my phone, that's the hole point of the story. Not only that, but I don't think any reasonable human being would be so comfortable having a turn-off phone in his hands.


Oh wow. That must suck. Just hang in there buddy. It’s sad that your government just let all these things happen

I don't know how they can live without electricity for so long, it's a pitiful situation, my country is not very well either, we have rationing every day, and they take away our electricity for between 5 and 12 hours, that's enough to put me in a bad mood.

I remember that years ago my country didn't know what that was, but the governments that have come to us have been disastrous.

I am also very attached to my mobile phone, more than I would like to be, but it is my only source of income.

That's the situation in my country, and I am terriblely confused. Just hoping we grow to a certain when all these mess would be a thing of the past. Thank you for reading my blog.

Some people can't unplug because there is such a duty. As an employee, I can't connect without any device and I can't imagine if I was you who is connect to electry.

That's true, it really something that biase me sometimes from going out, because it's really crazy stepping out without my phone being on.

That’s really sad to hear, especially your street light being down for weeks. It’s actually a very dangerous thing. We’re sorry about the whole electricity situation and we hope things get better for you.