My first phone experience and usage.

in Digital Lifestyle5 months ago

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Life is a history and every historical antecedent has a root, my experience with technology and phone started with the best Nokia product. Of course, if you don't use Nokia product, bet me us missed a lot.

My early growth wasn't in a home where I had all the needed. So when I got admitted into secondary school, my elder brother gave me this phone called Nokia 3310.

Then, if you don't have a phone, no girlfriend for you. You are not among the big boys.

So I didn't know how to operate it then because throughout my life, I didn't have the privilege to touch it when my brother was using it. In fact, even when it rings, I dare not try to touch this phone, in the name of whatever reason.

My Nokia 3310, become Laptop of my time, It was as if I was using the latest iPhone pro. Being with the phone for a while, I started garnering knowledge on how to use a phone.

After which I moved than to a Nokia touch light phone, which calls and sends messages read only phone, I didn't see anything wrong with it then. Because I used to enjoy the snake carry come snake game it came with.

I learned how to type fast with that Nokia phone, even when the phone got so bad that the entire light
got spoiled I could still type without looking at the buttons.

That was how I learned typing on a phone.

But my world of on a smartphone started, with Techno p3. This was my first smartphone, which served me till when I got admitted into the University.

And since them, I have been using, more sophisticated phones, but the story all Started with Nokia 3010 button phone.


Typing with keypad was so hectic for me but here you are talking about how you even learned how to type fast with it. Take your flowers, lol.
Nokia 3310 yeah? Never used it but sounds like it was the bomb at that time, hehe.

You could even use the phone then to stone down a magoe from it tree. Very strong, but since I didn't have a smartphone, then I learned from what was available to me. Honesty it was very difficult but it helped me.