Many, many years ago, in the distant realm of my youth, coffee was not kind to me.
I was about eighteen years old and I was beginning to write. I attended a literary writing group and made lots of friends. We were like a flock of parakeets in the coffee shops (and bars) of my small town. We'd go rampaging here and there, always with a stack of books. Always excited. It was a beautiful time and a time of learning a lot about everything: about writing and about life. With these friends I drank my first beers and had my first, and only, caffeine intoxication.

I don't keep pictures of the cafeteria where we went most often, the “Bar Sport”, but I keep this one, which I love. Two of these friends are no longer with us.
The event I want to refer to is from the time of that photograph.
I remember it was a long day. I was in class all morning and all afternoon, and, as sometimes happened, I didn't have time to go for lunch, so I spent the day drinking coffee and a couple of cookies that I carried in my backpack.
In the evening, on my way home, I ran into the friend next to me in the picture above. I know we look like the kings of the world in the picture with our long-haired samples (by the way, I don't think what we were drinking that night was coffee... hahaha...).
Well, this friend told me to go with him to the “Bar Sport”. There we met briefly with other writers and talked about a magazine we wanted to publish, and, even though I didn't want any more coffee, I agreed to have one more so as not to snub the guys. It was a coffee very strong.
It was my death.The nausea did not wait.
I had symptoms of hypotension. I remember my friends took me home and made me drink a lot of water.
I spent one night peeing every 10 But in the morning I just had a hangover-like headache.

In the cultural environment, we drink a lot of coffee, and, perhaps because of that, one ends up developing a lot of tolerance. They also drink a lot of alcohol, in general.

I have not made a mistake again with the amount of coffee I can drink, which is a lot. On the other hand, with beer... well, I can't say the same.I've been wrong again a few times!😝