At the Mansion del Pan, enjoying a coffee at Hivers [Eng-Esp]

Already after many days, with a forced rest, today I could finally go out to Valencia, doing some errands to organize web3 events, so I met @kreuter2022, a Hivers friend, which together with his wife and children we have born a great friendship, to the point of sharing a nice coffee while we talked about some important issues related to web3.


For a team to grow, we must give value to the virtues and strengths of each one, without giving importance to our weaknesses, which become strong with support because if two are stronger, imagine when we unite as a family, to show that if we can open roads in everything you propose in life.


As not everything in life is pure work, publications, Traiding, events, meetings, in short, we must also give ourselves a chance to recreate, a good coffee, an environment full of peace, which encourages creativity and encourages us to reflect on the future.

So this coffee, frothy, accompanied by a rich sweet bread, is just an excuse to leave aside the worries and just enjoy, is that definitely from a meeting comes out inspiration to continue collaborating with the projection and growth of our ecosystem of Hive.

In the simplicity of moments like this, are the ones that will bring out the best in each of us, who seeks to enjoy a good coffee, so I hope we continue to meet in many places like this.


La Mansión del Pan is a very well known place in Valencia, but one thing is to hear it and another to enjoy it, so we can see that there are several venues, this time we went to Mañongo, so I can recommend this place for a meeting or just to have a good time.


I hope you also give yourself the opportunity to enjoy moments like this with friends or family so that you feel a rich taste of coffee but also peace and tranquility while enjoying it.


In this way I say goodbye to my favorite community, where we can comment our preference for a delicious coffee, so thank you for opening this space for us.



Ya luego de muchos días, con un reposo obligado, ya por fin hoy pude salir a recorrer Valencia, cumpliendo algunas diligencias para organizar eventos de web3, fue así que me encontré con @kreuter2022, un Hivers amigo, el cual junto con su esposa e hijos hemos hecho nacer una amistad bastante grande, al punto de compartir un rico café mientras conversamos algunos temas importantes relacionados con la web3.


Para que un equipo de trabajo crezca, debemos dar valor a las virtudes y fortalezas de cada quien, sin darle importancia a nuestras debilidades, las cuales se hacen fuertes con el apoyo porque si dos son más fuertes, imaginen cuando nos unimos como familia, para demostrar que si podemos abrirnos caminos en todo lo que te propongas en vida.


Como no todo en la vida es puro trabajo, publicaciones, Traiding, eventos, reuniones, en fin también debemos darnos chance para recrearnos, un buen café, un ambiente lleno de paz, que fomente la creatividad y nos impulsa a reflexionar a futuro.

Así que este café, espumoso, acompañado por un rico pan dulce, es solo una excusa para dejar a un lado las preocupaciones y simplemente disfrutar, es que definitivamente de una reunión sale surge inspiración para seguir colaborando con la proyección y crecimiento de nuestro ecosistema de Hive.

En la simpleza de momentos así, son los que sacará lo mejor de cada uno de nosotros, que busca disfrutar de un rico café, es así que espero sigamos reuniendo en muchos lugares así.


La Mansión del Pan es un lugar de mucho renombre en Valencia, pero uno cosas es oírlo y otra disfrutarlo, así que podemos ver qué hay varias sede, está vez fuimos en Mañongo, así que te puedo recomendar este lugar para una reunión o simplemente pasar un buen rato.


Espero que Tu también te des la oportunidad de disfrutar momentos así con amigos o familia para que sientas un rico sabor de café pero también paz y tranquilidad mientras lo disfruta.


De esta manera me despido de mi comunidad preferida, dónde podemos comentar nuestra preferencia por un rico café, así que gracias por abrir este espacio para nosotros.


The photos are my own, taken with the NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO phone, it is important to add the use of Canvas to edit the cover and the banner.

Las fotos son propias, tomadas con el teléfono NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO, es importante añadir el uso de Canvas para editar la portada y el banner.

This story is original created by @crisch23, exclusively on hive in the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community, deepl was used as translator.

Esta historia es original creada por @crisch23, exclusivamente en hive en la comunidad de Cinnamon Cup Coffee, se usó deepl como traductor.


How great that you were able to have that meeting, much success for your future projects, a coffee in the middle of conversations is ideal, I send you a big hug 🤗

Que genial que pudieron hacer ese encuentro, mucho éxito para sus futuros proyectos, un cafecito en medio de conversas son ideales, les envío un gran abrazo 🤗 @kreuter2022 @crisch23 untitled.gif

I hope a soon return of yours are so many rush to share much more time together.

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

Untitled design-77.jpg

While you're here, why not check out the posts of other authors and perhaps leave them a comment or a vote?
As a community within the Blockchain, we are striving to build the Hive ecosystem as a real community for the growth of Hive, and engagement plays a key role here.

Don't you think?

Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Thank you for that coffee and of course I will be stopping by the other publications to say hello and comment on your moment of coffee and pleasure.

The coffee looks amazing, I'm all about creamy foam 😍. What a lovely setting for a good brainstorming session with a friend! Thanks for sharing ☕️

Nothing better than a rich, hot, frothy coffee that seeks to stimulate positive emotions.

You are right with what you say, you have to take a break to take life more slowly to de-stress. The coffee and bread look delicious.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Good day.

There must be moments of enjoyment and relaxation and with a coffee it will be great for sure.

Hello friend, how nice that experience and about having the opportunity to enjoy that coffee with that great user, where that great that they have met and see who is behind that computer and thus to do something, the place and the coffee look amazing, plus the smile of both is very large and I hope you have enjoyed that moment.

I know that you also place great value on those moments with coffee and friends.

wooo que deliciosa comida se ve, muchos exitos en sus proyectos

I'm happy with coffee and sharing it with my friends, especially those from Hive.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Visit our Discord - Visita nuestro Discord

It is true that in the simple things we find the best answers and it is also true that coffee is a great ally to share with friends like this one and to plan future things, whether they are Web-3, family reunions or birthdays.
That sweet bread looks exquisite and accompanied by a good cup of coffee even better. Blessings.

Es cierto que en las cosas simples encontramos las mejores respuestas y también lo es que el café es un bun aliado para compartir con amistades como esta y planear cosas futuras, ya sean de la Web-3, reunión familiar o cumpleaños.
Ese pan dulce se ve exquisito y acompañado por una buena taza de café mucho mejor. Bendiciones.

Moments like these are the ones to treasure in our hearts, thank you for everything.

It is true. In this coffee shop I have spent unforgettable moments that will stay with me forever. Thank you for your affection. Blessings.

I'm glad you enjoyed some important things like friendship, having a cup of coffee, future projects and tasting a sweet bread that looks delicious.
Thanks for sharing and hopefully all the projects will be fulfilled for you. Happy weekend to you. Cheers and best regards.

Me alegra que haya disfrutado de algunas cosas importantes como amistad, tomar una taza de café, proyectos futuros y probar un pan dulce que se ve delicioso.
Gracias por compartir y ojalá todos los proyectos se te cumplan. Feliz fin de semana. Salud y saludos.

Drinking coffee is one of the richest moments of the day, even more when I share with Hivers like @kreuter2022 and I recommend to fill yourself with special moments like this, thanks for your support