Right and Left Extremism in Indonesia


Indonesia has dark histories of those extrimism. Left extrimism came from Indonesian Communist Party. The party with underbow organizations tried to coup the state in 1048 and 1965. Finally, the member of representatives banned communism in Indonesia. Till now, there are no organizations that use comunism as the basis of the idelogy.

Darul Islam (DI) or Indonesian Islamic Army (TII) or DI/TII is a political movement founded on 7 August 1949 by Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo in a village in Tasikmalaya.

Darul Islam or DI is a form of state that applies Islamic teachings as a source of law. DI had soldiers who were former fighters who fought against the Dutch colonialists. In their actions, DI and their Islamic soldiers harmed the community by burning houses and property belonging to residents who did not want to join their group.
Then the Indonesian National Army destroyed this group in 1962. The Indonesian government sentenced Karto Suwiryo to death.

From both dark histories, Indonesia has potential to be communist or Islamist country. However, the state constitution took the middle way. Pancasila is the solution. Pancasila as the basis of the state accommodates both ideologies by taking a middle path.

The phenomenon of extreme right and left movements

Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia is a far-right movement phenomenon based abroad. This organization has been disbanded by the government but their underground movement continues. The activists of this movement infiltrated legitimate religious organizations and political parties. They have not yet shown themselves but use Islamic issues in carrying out their actions, such as the Palestine issue.

Pic : https://satujam.com/pemberontakan-di-tii/

Meanwhile, the extreme left movement seems more moderate nowadays. The People's Democratic Party, which previously had a leftist bent, has now disbanded and party leaders have joined the current nationalist parties.

However, people prefer the middle way. They are Islamic but nationalist. The majority of the Indonesian population do not want Islam and communism as the basis of the state.

A peaceful life by upholding equality and nationalism based on Pancasila has proven that Indonesia can achieve development to date without conflicts such as civil wars that occurred in most Muslim countries in the Middle East.

The history gave us lessons. We should set aside extrimism in all forms to live peacefully.