in Hive Learners11 months ago

Compliment of the season to all hive learners community members. It is with great joy and gladness that I bring my greetings to everyone in the spirit of Easter. We are all alive to see this great event in the history of man. Congratulations to everyone alive today. We will keep striving and never give up.


Life keeps teaching us one lesson to another. Sometimes we feel that we have been treated unfairly, but when it is examined it may not really be as we took it from the very beginning.

In life sometimes we come in contact with people who are very arrogant and all they know is just do things that is unjust. I have passed through lots of things in this my little life, but in all I return the glory to God because of how he has always made a way for us to move on.

Life itself is unfair to some of us. Is that really true? I hear people say that alot and sometimes I wonder why things are like that.

Looking at the prompt for week 108, edition 1. "It was just unfair"

Just few years ago that I started thinking differently. All my life before now I use to think that this life is not just fair to me. When I look at others, how life has favored them, how they succeed without making much effort. Some people don't even ask for somethings yet it is given to them at a plater of gold. For me I don't think that it is Fair enough for a child to grow up without knowing her biological father. This has been hurting me all along.

When I was just seven years old, one of my cousins made an expensive joke to me that stick to my heart over forty years now. He told me that I don't have a father. Before that very day I have been told that my father died right before I was born and I have always believed it. Just that day everything changed. I thought of asking my mother who my father was because according to the boy my mother was not pregnant when he husband died. So, it then means that she became pregnant after mourning her husband or so. I tried to gather courage to ask my mother who my father is. Somehow I thought that there was no need since I will finally get married and go out of the family.

This continued until years back when my died. I started blaming myself why I never gather the courage to ask the right questions. It only mean one thing - maybe my father is alive and very close to me but I never get to meet him. Maybe he is died. Which ever way I might never get the chance to know him.

I decided to wave it away because it is all in the past now and though it didn't favor me, but I think that there are lots of people out there that I am better than. At least I had a roof over my head while I was growing up. Some never had such great opportunity, so, I am not taking that for granted.
It is said that when there is life there is hope.

Thanks for hopping in.
The image used in this post belongs to me.


It's a painful and hurtful experience but then, never lose hope. We never know, fate and time may reveal all mysterious.

Thanks 👍

He told me that I don't have a father

He was most probably not serious. Only said that to get u angry. The truth usually doesn't stay covered for too long, that which U were told earlier is more likely the truth, except you have heard the statement from someone else apart from that cousin of yours.
I wish you happiness dear friend. Don't dwell so much on events you have little or no control over.

Very correct dear. I have let go and my life is better now.
Happy Easter

You should be glad that you had a mother to take care of you till you got married and you should also thank God for life as that's the greatest gift to a man

Very correct dear. I really appreciate God for all of these.
Thanks for hopping in

I understand how you feels,but thank God you've let go of the past. You are not disadvantage in anyway. Just keep being positive and everything will surely turn out fine.


I like that life itself is unfair
Positivity is the watchword of the day because evil people are at every corner.
Believe in yourself and move on dear

God bless you for the kind words.
Happy Easter dear

Same here

Life can be very unfair sometimes and most times it is what do cause ourselves. Words are like egg, once broken it can never be packed again. Your cousin never knew those words will hurts and it is how it it’s. Words that hurts always stick to our heart.

Sorry for the lost tho, and I wish there would have been a closure for you to get the answer you really desire

Thanks dear. Is a very big lesson for me. I will never allow any child close to me go through that situation.