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RE: [EN/PT-BR] Alcohol in moderation: maturity and conscience

in Hive Learners9 months ago

Hahah, you got my mind back to John wick when you spoke about pencil being a terrible weapon in the hands of the wrong person.

It is true that a little drug can tamper with anyone within some seconds while it will take many sips to get people high. But in the end, both alcohol and drugs do the same thing, that's get people high or intoxicated.

Thanks for sharing this with us, I enjoyed the read🥰

I totally agree with you, the substance sometimes is not even the problem, it's the person taking it, the substance only bring out what a man already has inside and make it more potent.


This reference to John Wick I remembered when I was making my post and thought, well, someone who is irresponsible or who doesn't think much about the welfare of others has the same level of danger as him with a pencil 😂, anyway I super agree with what you said, sometimes it's not even the drug but who uses it that is the real problem.

Thanks for your comment!

Hahaha, you are very welcome sir. See you around 🥰