Two Halves of a Whole: The Essential Roles of Mother and Father in a Child’s Life

in Hive Learners19 days ago

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The mother and father along with their kids make family. There is not doubt how important both are in a kids life, even in the adulthood also they are important in my opinion. The absence of any of them in a child's life can effect the growth of kid and the effect of same may be seen in longer time during the rest of their life. If you look around you you will find someone your known how doesn't not have a father or mother figure in their lives. The absence of any of two is like a void tha leads to the negative effects on their physical and menal development. After the birth of a child he start learning things form day one in this new world. When a child was in the womb of mother, the child is total depending on their mother. And after the child birth he introduced to a completely new environment. He start learning for the environment around them. Some partial activities he learned form the mother and partially form the father. This is not like somthing a child learn form the father can not be pass on by mother or vice versa but some learning are naturaly a child get learned form their parents.


A father is always a hero in the eyes of their child's and he is supposed to protect the family. In India culture the father is earning member of the family and use to manage the finance and take care of the need ofthe family, and the mother is use to do the home chores and responsible for the all the hour work including the cooking and taking care of elder and younger in the family. No days the culture is changing as both the parents are working in many families. Father and mother are the person which give us the first experience of world and also shape our future. No one else can take the place of the parents. The present of both parents are like diversity in the life of child, which creat a health environment around him, and make let him understand the life form two different aspects. The child has the life experience and life stories form two persons which enhances their over all experience in future life and enhance their knowledge also. Absence of any of them creates a different social environment around him. For example absence of the father in a kids life does not only has effect on kids, that also means the absence of grandfather and absense of uncle form the life of grand parents and cushions. Fo my personal experience, I am 38 year old married man, I lost my father three year ago durind the Covid19 pandemic, to till date I feel the gap created because my father in no more in our life. In each happy and sad moments I feel their absence so I can understand the feeling of a kid. I am a mature person and still has such feelings then a kids kind is very sensitive and for sure feel more then a adult like me. So whenever I imagine a family with children, I always assumed the presence of both parents.


I always feel that their should be balance in our life, and it is applicable to the children growing up period also. Everyone has different nature and behaviour, so the behaviour effect of the parents play a critical role in shaping the behaviour of their children. In our family we always use one strategy which is very effective also. Whenever our kids does some mistake and one of us was got agery or scold then, we make sure other one always be polite to him so that he should not feel like every one in the family is scolding him. For example if my wife scold our child I always take my child into confidence which make them feel good and also create bond between us along with the a sence of security to them also.
I society pressure is also one major negative effects on kids with single parent. If a kid with a single parent do some thing wrong or donan mistake the society always make comment that this is because the upbringing of the kid is not proper because of the absence of father or mother. Te kids always hear such comments for their surroundings which make him or her feel dominating and many times become he reason for the angery which let inside them for a prolonged time, and one day the ager comes out in some other form. This is very critical issue and many time give birth to phycho condition.


What are your views let me know in comment section.
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Exactly, the combined efforts make a whole and is holistic.

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