Nobody can criminalize something that we do to our bodies.

in Hive Learners2 months ago


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  Laws are important to establish barriers in what we can and can't do in our community. Some laws when broken can be categorized as crimes. If we kill or rob some people are extreme examples of crimes. But they are some other ways to harm people and the laws that can also be considered crimes. Even omission can be considered a crime if you don't report a crime that you witness. But some actions are very debated around the world about decriminalizing it and Canada is very advanced in some of these topics.


  Probably the most forbidden around the world and still a taboo in Canada is prostitution, including who purchases the service is committing a crime. I am not a client, but if a person decides to live with money offered by sex is their body and they should be responsible for deciding that, not the State or anyone. Of course, third parties receiving profits or forcing others to live from sex still needs to be considered a crime. In the same way that no one can force me to do any type of job and profit from that, that is slavery. But sex can be a service provided without being considered a crime, like anyone can also provide another type of services, like cleaning houses, babysitting, and childcare.

  Another taboo concerns drugs. Right now we have in Canada, alcohol, tobacco and weed legalized. But I believe that all drugs should be decriminalized. You can't put someone in jail because they are consuming any type of drug. People will continue to buy it illegally, it doesn't matter and if they want to use it in themselves why should the government be the one to prohibit it? We have legal drugs, what is the boundary between a legal and illegal drug? In addition, legalizing some of them can bring more taxes to the government and reduce criminality.

  Another important topic is abortion/euthanasia. Both are criminalized in Canada, but my former country Brazil still is. I think both are very extremist versions of the policies. For example, there was an interesting case in Canada, in Ontario if I remember well, where a lady got permission for euthanasia because she was tired of her pollution allergies. Some allergies are bad, and I remember seeing cases where people decide to move sometimes to other locations. I am a person who was suffering with them in Rio de Janeiro and since I moved to small cities in Canada my allergies are almost 100% cured. This woman needed more support and maybe counseling about this situation.

  I am still in favor of euthanasia in cases where the person will eventually die or in extreme pain that this isn't any other way to cure it. Brazil forbids any type of euthanasia which I see a wrong approach. In addition, abortion is something necessary since many cases women get pregnant with unwanted children, from rape episodes, children that will be born with lethal diseases and young females that are still becoming women. It is difficult for us or the government to put limits on what we can do to our bodies.


  Many topics are still taboos in many countries and considered crimes. They can't be compared to crimes that are harming other members of the community so they can't be considered crime in any instance. Most of the countries are currently changing policies concerning these topics, but still, there is a lot to change.

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  As leis são importantes para estabelecer barreiras no que podemos e não podemos fazer em nossa comunidade. Algumas leis, quando quebradas, podem ser categorizadas como crimes. Se matarmos ou roubarmos algumas pessoas, são exemplos extremos de crimes. Mas existem outras maneiras de prejudicar as pessoas e as leis que também podem ser consideradas crimes. Até mesmo a omissão pode ser considerada um crime se você não denunciar um crime que testemunhou. Mas algumas ações são muito debatidas ao redor do mundo sobre descriminalizá-lo e o Canadá está muito avançado em alguns desses tópicos.


  Provavelmente o mais proibido no mundo e ainda um tabu no Canadá é a prostituição, inclusive quem compra o serviço está cometendo um crime. Eu não sou cliente, mas se uma pessoa decide viver com o dinheiro oferecido pelo sexo é seu corpo e ela deve ser responsável por decidir isso, não o Estado ou qualquer um. Claro, terceiros recebendo lucros ou forçando outros a viver do sexo ainda precisa ser considerado um crime. Da mesma forma que ninguém pode me forçar a fazer qualquer tipo de trabalho e lucrar com isso, isso é escravidão. Mas sexo pode ser um serviço prestado sem ser considerado um crime, assim como qualquer pessoa também pode fornecer outro tipo de serviço, como limpar casas, cuidar de crianças e cuidar de crianças.

  Outro tabu diz respeito às drogas. Agora mesmo temos no Canadá, álcool, tabaco e maconha legalizados. Mas acredito que todas as drogas devem ser descriminalizadas. Você não pode colocar alguém na cadeia porque está consumindo qualquer tipo de droga. As pessoas continuarão a comprá-la ilegalmente, não importa e se elas querem usá-la em si mesmas, por que o governo deveria proibi-la? Temos drogas legais, qual é o limite entre uma droga legal e uma ilegal? Além disso, legalizar algumas delas pode trazer mais impostos para o governo e reduzir a criminalidade.

  Outro tópico importante é o aborto/eutanásia. Ambos são criminalizados no Canadá, mas meu antigo país, o Brasil, ainda é. Acho que ambos são versões muito extremistas das políticas. Por exemplo, houve um caso interessante no Canadá, em Ontário, se bem me lembro, onde uma senhora obteve permissão para eutanásia porque estava cansada de suas alergias à poluição. Algumas alergias são ruins, e lembro-me de ver casos em que as pessoas decidem se mudar às vezes para outros locais. Sou uma pessoa que sofria com elas no Rio de Janeiro e desde que me mudei para cidades pequenas no Canadá, minhas alergias estão quase 100% curadas. Essa mulher precisava de mais apoio e talvez aconselhamento sobre essa situação.

  Ainda sou a favor da eutanásia em casos em que a pessoa eventualmente morrerá ou em dor extrema que não haja outra maneira de curá-la. O Brasil proíbe qualquer tipo de eutanásia, o que vejo como uma abordagem equivocada. Além disso, o aborto é algo necessário, pois em muitos casos as mulheres engravidam de crianças indesejadas, de episódios de estupro, crianças que nascerão com doenças letais e jovens fêmeas que ainda estão se tornando mulheres. É difícil para nós ou para o governo colocar limites no que podemos fazer com nossos corpos.


  Muitos tópicos ainda são tabus em muitos países e considerados crimes. Eles não podem ser comparados a crimes que prejudicam outros membros da comunidade, então não podem ser considerados crimes em nenhuma instância. A maioria dos países está mudando as políticas sobre esses tópicos, mas ainda há muito o que mudar.

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São pontos bem interessantes, realmente tem uma boa diferença entre o Canada e o Brasil. Aqui eu so queria que os politicos e grandes empresarios que tem muito dinheiro e seus esquemas fossem presos de verdade kkkk

Rss ah sim!!!

Personally I'm not against them who take drugs as it's their act to use drugs as it's their will but i hate those who sell drugs especially when they sell to university students and ruin their life.

It makes sense… i dont use drugs as well and i dont want my kids to use it of course! But if someone that i dont know want to use it what can i do???

Huhhh yes it's their will to use drugs but i think we should do press conference , seminars in university to tell them harness spread by drugs so that if those students aren't addicted to drugs will never think about taking drugs

I feel the reason hard drugs are banned and illegal to use are because of the effects it has not just on the users, but also on those around them.
In a place where there are many users of hard drugs, it always increases the crime rate in that neighborhood. Addicts would do anything to get their next fix. Even going as far as harming others who they feel stands in the way of that.
I know many people don't need drugs to commit crimes, but I guess drugs removes the restriction that comes naturally to people.
Just saying though.🤗

Well alcohol is also a problem looking in this direction!!!!

Probably the most forbidden around the world and still a taboo in Canada is prostitution

ahhh the controversy. So getting paid to make videos having sex with someone is not taboo? aka pornhub or even things like onlyfans haha seems silly the world we're in. Silly for those that are paying for it as well ._. but it's their money so meh let them do what they want as long as they not harming society

so governments don't consider that as prostitution (if I am not wrong) but I agree with you that is the same level ... like is also the same level alcohol , tabaco and weed , and many places still forbid weed =P

ya most of it is nonsense lol. the drugs are nonsense too. Some governments made a joke of themselves after legalizing weed. Weed was never actually bad. It's healthy in moderation and helps people hence it helps in medical cases. I think that's the same for most drugs as well. The illegal framework is just so people can make money off it as it creates this false sense of danger and behind the scenes shit. Pretty sure those big drug shit just bribe anyways .

I agree, it's your body and you should be able to do whatever you want. The government needs to stay out of our private lives. If someone wants to be a sex worker, let them... Drugs, fine as long as you're not driving or endangering others. When I was younger I was more conservative, but now I say leave us all alone to live out lives. No nanny state is needed!

Drugs, fine as long as you're not driving or endangering others.

But this is another crime, driving under the influence of substances. that can be alcohol, any med that can alter your cognition etc

Yet some people do it all the time... One must use their brain before doing something so dangerous. Designated driver or not leave home even better...

Gostei muito do seu post e da sua explicação sobre temas atuais que deverão ser bem refletidos e pensados.Obrigado pela partilha

Como é em portugal ? a marijuana é liberada ai ?

Por aqui não

The thing with abortion is that many places that criminalizes it does not have exceptions even in special situations such as for rape victims that would have to endure the trauma of carrying the child of their rapist or fetuses that have would not survive due to defects.

that is wrong, in Brazil the only exception is if the fetus doesn't have brain. but for the other options is forbidden totally

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It’s just way different in different part of the world. Prostitution here is a common and open practice. Abortion too. There is nothing the law could do about them here. But they’re one of the most deadliest crimes.

You have put out a lot of different topics here:

  • prostitution should be allowed, in the end of the day no harm is done and it's done illegally anyways
  • drug, some heavy drugs like heroine and chemical ones, I don't think should be allowed, if you drive under drug and kill someone, if you need money and start rob or kill for money, then you harm others, and heavy drugs are very dangerous, it's not cannabis
  • euthanasia, I think one should be free to do what he wants with his life, you want are tired to live? OK end it legally under state check
  • abortion, should be allowed always in first months , but people know how kids are made, if it's a 'mistake' pay a fee and use damn protections next time

for sure a 8 month abortion is wrong for example... I agree with you ...

about drug legalization, I think at list decriminalization is important. I wouldn't like also for the government to sell heroine and other heavy drugs.

An other hot topic now is when kids should be considered enough old to declare they are born wrong sex and start transition or if the state should pay surgery for your transition ...thats still in topic with your title 😅

Well minors is a bit different...they aren't considered independent through the law in general. But at the same time we as father can't decide doing something that can create a certain type of harming...we can't neglect food and care. So even if parents allow the kid to do this type of surgery, it can be considered in a same way. There are plenty of cases here with this problem since Canada allows that

oh i meant surgery for adults too, paid by state

ohhh but then isn't associated to criminality xD
it is a topic related to what the states should cover. for example boob jobs for women... unless it is because she had to remove it because of a cancer, it shouldn't be covered...the same way as sex surgery in adults I guess...

yea not directly related to criminality 😂 took the large way of word criminalize

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Bzzt! Eu tb entendi que leis são importantes, @gwajnberg! Mas descriminalizar, sim! Você tem razão, sexo é um serviço e nem todo serviço é escravo!uzzi! #hivebr

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Certamente há proibições que podem ser moralmente questionáveis de acordo com as circunstâncias, como a eutanásia, mas talvez no futuro essa decisão possa ser permitida de acordo com a gravidade das circunstâncias enfrentadas pela pessoa.

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