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RE: Misbehaving children or negligent parents? [EN/PT]

in Hive Learners5 months ago

I totally agree with your take on this topic. A lot of people call me biased when I choose to blame the parents of the child for poor behavior. Sadly some children have to grow without their parents and end up with guidance that don’t really care or care. Just this situation can affect a child’s behavior for good.

Children needs guidance from any parent figure in their life because they are only learning and don’t have any established way of life yet. Like you said, besides the parent, there are other people that might make up the family and every one just has to contribute towards the betterment of that child but the bulk load is from the parents. Parents have to put everything into consideration as regards training their child in the right way. They indeed have to be disciplined before they can discipline their children.


A child's behavior is greatly influenced by the guidance of parents or parental figures. Although other family members can help, the main responsibility lies with the parents, who need to be disciplined in order to teach the same to their children
