The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "A Smart Student".
Nowadays we live in a world where education is definitely the most important factor. From my point of view, young people today are not being educated in the right way. Teachers are failing and educational systems have a long race to improve the way they are educating each of their participants. It is not about a person memorizing or repeating what they have memorized through an exam because that does not represent that the person is prepared to hold a position or a profession. In that sense, when a student answers a question on an exam, I don't think you can evaluate or measure intelligence, or say that that person is intelligent. So I don't think that would work. I believe that through new tools and artificial intelligence we can support ourselves to improve educational quality and awaken that concern to be able to be curious, to have critical thinking and to investigate in students, what we need to have a society. more evolved. Students can have access to all their smartphones and maybe during exams, that's not going to mean cheating, although I know that currently and I know many who do. They simply use their body when they are women to pass exams by granting sexual favors to teachers and achieve the professional title through that. But there are other people who cheat on exams and when it is their turn to practice the profession, once they have the title they are not well prepared for life because they do not know what to do, so they are really mediocre people. I believe that for the educational system to improve, it is necessary precisely to have a schedule of all the subjects that are going to be taught during the course, which encourage the student to document themselves and be an interactive participant. Because it is precisely with these interactions between them and between teachers that they will be able to discover knowledge. That is the reason for the university, to have a universe of possibilities and to try to explore various parts of that universe, because from there the person will create criteria and will be a better professional in the area in which they work. . In that order of ideas, I think it is very important that students have access to the internet and technology during exams, because exams, I repeat, should not be questions to repeat what has already been memorized. They should be signs of ability that the person, for example, can be a good lawyer. For example, in a scientific exam, participants should be asked to carry out a simple experiment that they can perform during the exam and do the test in a live laboratory. I think it would be much more fun to see a group of students doing scientific experiments and testing the knowledge they know, mixing different chemicals or showing how skilled they are at dissecting a rat, doing a small operation on an animal in the case of the vet. Every profession should have an educational subject that specializes in practically showing and educating the student to be able to do that task. I think this is something very important and a big step that education has to take, and that it has not yet taken, which is really very important. So I am in favor of using the internet and artificial intelligence in exams, but as long as the exams are done in a different way. As long as students are not asked to memorize something and answer it on exams, because that does not show intelligence, it does not show that they are prepared for something, but it simply shows that the person has a high ability to memorize. I am sure that if we take this recommendation we will have a better planet, with more prepared people, people who will create a world of the future, very advanced with technology and a self-sustaining planet, with many inventions and a lot of science. We are going to be able to have the planet of the future that we have seen in many movies. That's how I imagine it. This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago). Thumbnail image maded using Bing AI and edited with Canva.com
"Intelligence consists not only of knowledge, but also of the skill of applying knowledge in practice."
<< Aristotle >>
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