Memory Mishaps: My Most Epic Forgetfulness Fail

in Hive Learners3 months ago

I forget dad's birthday, I know it's not fair as I do remember mine right from the start of my birth month. So I've been quite intentional in not forgetting his birthday anymore and it's working. That's just one of the many things I tend to forget, at times I feel like I'm getting too old to be so forgetful about even the most littlest things.

Countless times, I've forgotten passwords to important sites that I created accounts on myself, thank goodness there is the "forgot password?" option, I'd have lost so much by now. But I've learnt my lessons before the worse happens with cases like that. Even in my school days, I get forgetful about the assignments I take home to do.


Medical care time, I think I forget that because I don't like drugs. I tend to skip some dose when I'm treating an illness if I am not being watched more closely. Not often but sometimes, I forget when I have as a deadline and do things in a rush when I am not supposed to. This particular act has cost me a few that I won't want to share.

I watched a YouTube skit that was recommending some meals that would help one regain the ability to remember things more often and I'm like "Please I'm interested" in my mind but I know it's not only those meals that would do the trick. I've tried relaxing my mind and it works well in helping me remember what I should.

It's not that I am getting old, I just get too busy with too much and I tend to skip some trivial and seldomly, the important things that matter. There is always a time I forget something especially trivial things but one time I can not forget was when I forgot an important thing for an important occasion.


I forgot a document I needed for an application that was ending that same day and the worse part was that, I forgot it at my place that is far away from where I went for the application. I've had similar case with bank and their wahala but that day was scary for me as I didn't want to miss out or I'll have to wait for another year.

I was so sure I'll miss the chance to apply since no one was even at home that I'll ask for help from but the surprise came in, dad called from home. He was supposed to be at work but he said they closed early that day and I had to beg him to take pictures of the documents and send to me so I could print them out or use pdf format to apply.

Dad did a good job doing that for me but then, the application got complicated and I had to pay a bigger sum of money to be successful with it. I had very little on me and I wished I didn't forget those documents but the worse had happened and I was just grateful I didn't lose my chance to apply, since then, I forget less.

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I feel you. For getting crucial stuff in the most crunch times can be a very painful thing to endure. I hope that you figure out some nutrition plan or maybe God blesses you with a better memory and you overcome these situations.

Yeah, I'm trying my best in that aspect now.

So you also forget a lot of things like me. it's was frequent in the earlier days but I think I am improving with time and rarely forget things now. It's good for me.

I guess forgetfulness doesn't only come with oldage as I had always thought 😅

Thank you 🥰