Social media has undoubtedly become one of the world’s most deciding and controlling factors. A lot of things you do now directly or indirectly has a connection to the social media. Whether you’re schooling or running a business, you get involved in social media one way or the other.
The financial and business world is one field social media has successfully penetrated the deepest. The business world needs social media for proper advertisement. You rarely see a company or establishment or a business facility without some form of social media presence. I mean, everyone orders for stuff now and so it would be a disservice to yourself to have a business and not have a social media presence.
Companies have company social media accounts they use to advertise their products amongst other things where as they also hire influencers or special marketers to promote their work. And how is this promotion done? Via none other means but social media.
That is why these days when brand ambassador of a product has negative PR around him or her, they are usually just removed. PR is a huge deal in he business industry and that is why everyone is encouraged to have good PR if you ever plan to really use social media to run your business. We have seen people lose money and other things because they were cancelled by the social media masses.
Coming to the point where ambassadors go through rigorous background checks before they are recruited to market or advertise products.
The question on if employers should either ask or not ask employees for their social media handles for me depends on the kind of job you’re going to do. If the job you’re applying for has a lot to do with social media where you might use your personal account to promote the business sometimes or all of the time then yes, I think employers have the right to ask their employees for their handles.
People always a lot of nasty stuff these days all in the name of “it’s just online or it’s just social media” without really taking into account they could be damaging their accounts. I believe if that was done, people would be a bit more careful of the kind of content they put out there.
On the other hand if the job one is applying one is not really demanding a heavy social media presence, then I do not think it’s really necessary for employers to ask of social media handles. In that regard you can respect your employees privacy and not be too concerned about what they do online.
Also, even if the company doesn’t really care too much about their social media presence, some businesses or offices will still need you to always have good PR around you.
So yes, in my opinion, sometimes employers really have to ask about their employees social media handle to make sure they’re representing the establishment well.
images used belong to me.